Thursday, December 21, 2023



Sunday, February 13, 2022

Graphene Oxide in covid vaccine

Noack myestriously died.

The Gray State - David Crawley.

The hands that are hidden. Freemason

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

To do list

1. Pay Russian woman for girls' piano lessons
2. Confirm who is going to help me with teaching on 4th May
3. Hana's birthday gift
4. 4 pages of Qur'an after every obligatory prayer

Sometimes the to do list grow on top of an already long to do list, like a pile of new laundry on top of the ones which didn't get chance to be folded and put away. 

Well I have to fold faster. Kan.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Why When We Eat May Be More Important Than What We Eat with Professor Sa...

Well I have been doing restricted eating time for a year now and lost 10 kg. It's exactly the amount of weight I want to shift so that I can safely get into my pre marital clothes. More importantly though I wanted to be healthier so I have been on a crusade of information gathering and implementing strategies that would steer me towards my goal. Healthier, mindful, content. 

Well today I can say that I have done it on the weight aspect, and I will share anything and everything that had fuelled my brain throughout this journey, it's not just about eating less and moving's science ....

Haa..I like to say well...
oh well.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Kenapa pilih hari ni nak update blog ni? Sebab I rasa macam masa terlalu pantas bergerak menuju ke sesuatu ketetapan, I am almost saying hang on a minute kejap kejap, macam- macam mana pun it keeps going.

I tak nak it keeps going. I remember saying to myself, I nak my kids to be 1, 4 and 6 , sampai bila bila. Alas, mereka membesar juga dah 5,8 and 10,  and I also membesar. Kepala I also dah macam lain sikit, not membesar, itu dah jadi lain,  but hopefully lain for the better.

 Yet my memory can only remember what I want.

Hi Hana.
There is so much that I want to remember, the little things, like how Hana was when she was
close to 2 years old, macam kusam malap jauh kabur dah macam tu my memory ni.

Oh sayangnya mummy tak simpan dalam botol kedap udara bau bau anak anak mummy sebelum bangun pagi, lately mulut you all bau macam mulut dinosaur lah.

Mummy ada plan for this blog, I am on to doing an overhaul but again time man...time is like ...just get off my case, and I am like dude slow down tak larat nak kejar you lah...hmm macam tulah.

Ok, it looks like semua dah tidur and I am the only one still up doing God knows what. Pen out for now.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


I am not sure why today particularly, but as I sit here, putting the last stitch on that rip on my jeans, listening to the rythmic sound of my third child breathing through the Tommy baby monitor..I just felt an overwheming sense of gratefulness that I just need to word this feeling.

Its like looking up to the heavens above with shards of raindrops jarring down, in organized commotion in hypersilence, such that it rings in my ear. The smell is fresh, I am soaked through, its almost painful ..but its all a big gift and I thank you,
 for listening to my prayer,
I am sinful and I am full of remorse,
how is all that forgiven?
I am overflowing, such is your power.
Thank you, how could I not be grateful.

What a shame, I need to ask for more.

Show me how oh my Lord, how I could not drown in them, while I am still trapped in this time space existance.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Wah lamanya tak tulis dalam blog ni. Wait let's see if it is still working. Testing 1,2,3.

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