Monday, July 20, 2009
Islamorado is the name of the restaurant.

In the 2 week period, he drank through a straw! It was in iHop or was it Panera, anyway, a restaurant for sure and Ak didn't believe me at first so , in the end poor Noah had to drink almost a glass full just so Mummy could convince Daddy. Stupid red straw. Mabuk air Mat Nuh ye. In the car I could hear the spish splash in his tummy. Lawak.
He sings Baba black sheep. Only the baba is recognizable , the rest of the song hits a different wave band, so only audible to a tuned ear like Mummy's. When he sings, bunyinya macam dikir barat on a Saturday afternoon.
He is walking! He actually started taking steps at 1 year 1 week at the nursery but during the holiday, he just walked everywhere, or shall I stay stumbled everywhere. His hands are pretty quick too so I had to make arrangements to my mother in law's interior decoration, if you know what I mean. All her jades and crystals and chinas were all piled on the dining table macam carboot sale. Still he looked at the pile with his airliur leleh leleh. I also would leleh if the jades are shaped like grapes and pretty little fruits.
Picture above was taken outside Islamorado. A restaurant I went to when I was about 7 weeks pregnant. Loya like hell and all I wanted to eat was fish. It has a massive wallsize aquarium and back then I said to myself, I would take 'the baby' back to the restaurant to look at the fish. And so I did.