Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Noah is 1

This is a few weeks ago when Noah turned one. We had Aunty Sabah over who'd checked Noah's teeth because she is the best dentist in the world and and who also baked the loveliest cake for Noah's birthday but had to leave before other guests arrived because she wanted to hit the road early to catch the Apprentice on TV. Anyhoooo,We wuv you and we we wuv the beanbags, they are so snuggebs smitchum scmummsstcha! She is also going to be super rich from cleaning teeth all day and making people feel bad about having dentures, and drives a super cool car which is so much better than the Nissan micra she's ditching. Oh yes and she is also single and available. She will only accept a marriage proposal from a tall dark and handsome man who is taller than her. She is a giant.
Like I said a long time ago, I write in here unedited so excuse my thought process. I am just super tired from last night on call. I guess Noah's Daddy is even more tired from driving and looking after Noah at night while Mummy's at work.
So, sayang, Semoga Noah jadi anak yang soleh dengan tinggi budi pekerti. Mummy and Daddy love you so much. Happy first Birthday pumpkin.