Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sling, Wrap and Carry me.

It is a very good baby carrier that one Rooge got us.
Also, it is by far the best gift Noah's received. Second only to an amorphous cuddly toy shaped like an amoeba, with what looks like a neck stretching from the chin to the belly, face , dare I say a starking resemblance to Hitler. Adolf Hitler the Nazi. Noah will hopefully grow up to one day ask me the question, Mommy who is Hitler?, which will be a nidus to a whole array of questions on world issues that we could talk about including what is happening in Gaza at the moment. Do you see how that is an absolutely spot on gift for a newborn? If you find yourself agreeing with me then you must be whacked or your name is Rooge.
I digress.
I can proudly say that we have put it to good use in the last 7 months. It's worn Noah in the Yorkshire Dales, in Devon, on London underground, in KL- up and down the LRT; can you imagine doing it with a stroller instead? Haru biru. But sadly Noah has outgrown it. This I realized when Noah turned cherry red in the face along with an orchestra of grunts and whinees when I cajoled him into the carrier. It is time to move on.
What shall I replace it with?
So, after much time spent on the net looking for a replacement, I've decided I can actually make my own carrier. The one I like is called Mei Tai and the instructions to make one is everywhere on the net. In fact, people are making them left right and centre. I have made a baju kurung before so I am sure this is doable. All I need now is a sewing machine...a mental picture of a black 1906 Singer sewing machine is stroboscoping at me.
But that was a week ago. I've decided that I won't be able to finish it on time because we are off to see the wizard in a far far away land. We'll be staying in a little cottage with a fireplace, overlooking nothing but rolling green, where we would roll Noah down the hill where he would shriek with glee and ask to be rolled again. Probably not straight out of the Sound of Music like that but close. So we need a carrier in 6 days time.
I for one can't wait actually. This week alone, Noah and I've probably seen Ak 2 hours top, collectively, since he started doing long days and night on calls back to back. He came back this morning , I was just putting Noah down for his mid morning nap, when I came out of the nursery, Ak had already hit the sack. Ak woke up for Zuhr and again I was putting Noah down for his noon nap. When Noah woke up, Ak had already gone back to bed. Ak finally woke up to get ready for work and Noah had just finished his tea and bath, in his jammies ready for bed.
Imagine if I do go back to work. Noah probably wouldn't recognize me! Imma gonna have to put up a big cut out of my face just grinning widely in place of his cot mobile. Freaky but necessary I think.
So I have made the purchase from the BigMamaSling website. Deedum deedum.. let's hope it'll get here soonish, otherwise we have to use the wrap I made from the ripped bedsheet. Now that is frugalicious.