Thursday, January 01, 2009

Another year just went by I see. I don't even remember what I was doing when it turned 2008. It's 2009 already?I was definitely pregnant at the time.
2008 has been more than just a year to me. I became a mother. Before that I had no idea how fulfilling it is to just stay at home with a baby. I have always worked since I was let loose from the medical school. It's just that I always feel like a failure if I am not out there sticking needles or tubes or anything that resembles a torturing device in somebody. Now I am contemplating to just carry on being at home with Noah. Hurm....*rubbing imaginary stubbles*
He is going to turn 7 months in 3 days. Still breastfed. Actually even more so now that he is still run down with cold and coughs. Actually actually, he is back to being fully breastfed. He has refused solids completely since 2 weeks ago. The glitches of weaning huh. We started so well with all the food I made for him. I pureed them, froze them and now they are probably expiring. Not that we could take the cubes of food to the river and feed the ducks with them. Choking nanti mati semua itik itik tu.I am just a bit sorry that we are wasting food Noah boy. If you don't want them then Mummy can't possibly force you to have them.
On wasting, I plan to be less wasteful. For a start, we are not going to buy another sling now that Noah's outgrown the Mamasandpapas carrier. The carrier can take up to 9 kg, so Noah must be more than 9 kg now. I am guessing because everytime I took him to the open baby clinic to get him weighed, first time I got the day wrong, second time,we got there 30 minutes to closing time, and they refused to entertain us. I know, I carried you all that 500 yards in the cold in a homemade wrap which was digging my clavicles a little bit because I didn't do it properly only to be told to go away. I do dig the whole babywearing though. I t's the way to be.The last time Noah was weighed at 4 months he was 8.4 kg, and Ak kept telling me I am paranoid but I guess there is a paranoia in all new mums.
So new year huh, I still have to make up for the days I didn't fast because my milk was drying up. If I don't do it quick it will turn 2010 and it will take twice the effort to fast then. On that note, I found that oatmeal, dates and rasberry leaf with a bit of nettle leaf tea make you flow out milk. It is kind of amazing. I've just figured it out this week.
I didn't plan to write loads and didn't plan to edit either, so HAPPY NEW YEAR as it is! Noah dah bangun laaaa