Monday, January 12, 2009
Hand-me-downs; priceless
These days, he spent quite a lot of his waking hours in this little nest. Just like a tweety bird.
He would tweet tweeting in his Neo-Noah language just amusing himself while I cook or clean or do anything housewifey. That position doesn't last very long though, after a few minutes I usually find him staring at his own feet with his bum up in the air and one arm stuck on the side of his bum as if he is about to dive into a pool. After which he would topple to one side or the other.The funny thing is he would just be in that position, quietly, not even a sound, only blinking a lot more than usual until I took notice of him and came to the rescue.
That hovercraft nest is a clever little hand-me-down. In fact most of Noah's things are hand-me-downs. His stroller, his car seat, his bouncer chair, his winter puffer overall and some of his clothes. I hope he won't look back and think that we love him any less. Britain is going
through a recession darling and plus, they are all pre-loved.