Monday, September 01, 2008

Milky thoughts

First day Ramadhaning, it’s been a hard day no doubt. By midday my throat felt like it grew spikes and my top palate felt furry.

I was beginning to feel some sort of a negotiation going on between the breast cells and the rest of the body. But no, these ones are made of good stuff I know, and they are not about to give up. I know that doing this wrong they will be sacrificed in the name of survival.

Alhamdulillah the feeds for Noah were not compromised. He was a bit fractious towards the evening but I can only hope that there was enough there as he is still asleep now.

I am breastfeeding exclusively, and I want to continue to do so. Also, really not keen on the idea of mixing the feeds with formula if I can avoid it. But this is just day one, we shall see.

To Muslims everywhere, Ramadhan Mubarak, and to mothers out there fasting and breastfeeding, you go girl.

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