Thursday, October 27, 2005
Some Changes

You know, if I see a beautiful woman walked past, wearing barely there clothes with plunging neckline, skirts just barely covering the butt cheeks, high knee-length boots; let’s make it suede, I’d say good on you girl.
Let’s hope the pointy bit of the boots don’t get caught anywhere on the floor and you fall face first, and may you score high for the sky is the limit. Oh some of the things I wish happen to some people.
What I couldn’t understand though, the proliferation of baby tees with sleazy phrases written right across it. These are what I saw in ASDA clothes section while waiting for Dr Vagina and Dr Bowels fought over which trolley to get.
‘wishful thinking’
‘ride with me’
‘my cherries’ –with 2 cherries covering both continents of the protrusions.
‘come and play’
Pfffttt…and people buy these tops.
Oh please, why is it that people have to, for example, wear suggestive outfit and then go ‘eh mamat tu tengok tengok dekat I pulak, kenapa agaknya ya’, when people started staring at them funny. That’s in KL. Here they wear suggestive outfit and just lift up the top for the more people to watch the more and the better of them. And this is usually after the blood ethanol level exceeds certain level. 300 is a very high, that much I remember.
Dr Vagina has finally done a noble thing couple of days ago. He broke up with the married woman he’s been seeing for past 4 months. One of the good things that come out from that is, Dr. Bowels can now, for the past few days, sleep peacefully without much wailing and howling penetrating down from the flat above. We sometimes wonder if these apartments are made of cement plus cardboard mixture.
The bad thing that we all have to endure now, is his affection towards hard, lumpy brown stuff. And this is taking over the cigarettes.
Also, just before leaving with a trolley full of food, he grabbed 3 pot plants as tall as a 5 year old girl and made us all carry one each. He’s gone potty over leafy things.
Other than that, he bought scented candles like those are going to be the next substitution for rice or potatoes.
When we got the plants out and read all the instructions to him; you know how to water, where to position, facing eats or west, he started moving the furniture around and started hanging pieces of cloths over lamp shades. Trying to get an 'ambience' I suppose.
Taking a few steps back, I could see what he’s doing. He’s trying to create the ultimate bachelor pad. The one that will attract chics like moth to fire, like ants to éclairs, like camels to oasis. He even asked us if Paris Hilton’s poster should stay up or brought down. We said one is the most he can have up, more than that he’ll not do so well.
We left him completely lost in his new boudoir, and the many angels he’s desperate to please and protect.
I have never seen a reaction quite so volatile when a man lost his only hope to get laid. Break ups change people temporarily, I hope. God bless them all.

P/s: Without being too Joyah, you know, when we were driving past this warehouse, the whole fire brigade unit was there, the fire was slapping in the wind walloping the walls down like hyenas feasting on a dead bull. I felt the heat so strong even from the car and we were 100 metres away. Never seen such a big fire. I took a picture but it turned out like a giant fireball from raksaksa Gorgon. But ..damn happening ok.