Friday, October 07, 2005
Good Friends
You forgot to mention you love my nose as well Naj,
you naughty girl you.

It was another busy 24 hr on call that I’ve just finished this morning, but I had a good solid 5 hour sleep before getting bleeped just around sahur time. So, can’t really grumble about it.
A day off like this would be like life little well earned treats. You plan things while driving home, so many things to do and so many loose ends to sort out, but once you hit the front door, all you want to do is do nothing.
It’s been a week since Dr.Vagina left for Trinidad and Dr.Bowels left for some caving in Mulu, Sarawak. She gila I tell you.
No more nights in the car park doing belly bananza to the Soca beat from Dr.Vagina’s ‘new’ CD player. No more Wednesday night outs, no more Salsa class. No more late night chats till I discover I was the only one working the next day. That wasn’t funny. Am I missing them? Surely that’s not true.
Friends by definition should annoy you once in a while. Dr.Vagina would come up all the way just to show me his new nano ipod. ‘Cool right’.. ‘Damn cool’… ‘Cool right’. It wasn’t a conversation, just him lost in his own nano world. Dr.Bowels would tell me off just because I didn’t text her back, would text us inundatedly to go to the mess, just because she was on call and we got the weekend off.
But despite the things they do that annoy you, you are still friends, now that’s what you call being good friends. But think about this, Dr.Bowels said to me once that she’ll have me as her boyfriend if things are different. We laughed it off but, that’s the kind of gravitation you get towards good friends, you want to be with them because they make you laugh and you feel good about yourself. Basically you’ll marry them if you could. So, my point is, girls, be careful when a guy you’re dating said ‘oh she’s just a good friend’.
And be careful when you no longer laugh with him.
On friends, I was tagged by my Ubi friend, orang kata..I did this suka suka aje ok. Take it light, sugar fee and decaf. After all, am writing it post on call. The lucidity of the content may vary.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
Tea with the queen, get invited to Prince William’s party at club H, island hop from Cyprus right around to Hawaii, write a book about it, one night stand and feel completely great the next day…
I am not blonde and my legs don’t go right up to my neck so let’s try again.
1. Visit the Holy land and do Haj, with Cik T. Dad can come along as long as the other 2 women stay at home. (their respective homes)
2. See that (by any means) my brother is completely cured of what he’s suffering from now.
3. Leave behind a vocational training centre to help those ‘drifters’ who have potential in life but never find guidance.
4. Open a Woman Wellbeing centre, includes a hospital for womanly ailments and baby related abdominal swelling, (basically obs and gynae centre), a gym equipped with sauna, a spa which only uses natural ingredients for all spa jobby and a swimming pool which has swimming class, also with other classes like pilates, yoga moga and what nots you find in a gym.
Also includes a whollistic beauty academy teaching women how to carry themselves, how to dress themselves, how to enhance the beauty they have and not to slap on just any new products on the market that will make them look like a slapper who tries too hard. Motto will be ‘less is more’.
They will graduate to be a highly demurred, sophisticated yet funky ladies, who know how to have fun yet down to earth with abundant moral values to avoid being gun down by not so nice women who didn’t go to the academy.
A language centre where women are taught how to communicate in a womanly way, (both verbally and body languagely), yet firm and in the end get what all women want. A library included in the language centre with DVDs to rent. A Club exclusive for professional women where events are held for members or for people to just chill after work, and only men of certain calibre will be invited. Limited membership.
5. Practice anaesthetics and trauma care in places like Somalia, Sierra Leone or wherever there is natural disaster.
6. Write book A, Book B and Book C and have ‘for my loving husband and my 3 kids’ on the page they normally have that kind of thing written on.
7. Err..get married?
7 things I could do now:
You know, this is not really a good question.
1. I suppose I could give myself more frequent holidays.
2. I could stop putting it off and say yes and get hitched and get married and discover the whole new world of undiscoverable things.
3. I could get a new car. Bored you see ‘riding’ the same one all the time.
4. I could pamper myself with girly things like a massage, facial, this and that.
5. I could bring Cik T to come and live with me.
6. I could get pro active and get tenants for Sri Palma.
7. Go home. No I couldn’t.
As I said I don’t like that question.
7 celebrity crushes :
1. That boy in mickey mouse club, Cik T caught me kissing the telly.
2. That boy in the movie ‘electric dream’, for a week I wished I was an American girl.
3. Damien Bodie
4. Milan Baros (shoe size 9)
5. Gary Lineker
6. That guy in X-files (flipping eck can’t remember- oh David Duchovny)
7. err.. Milan Baros
7 often repeated words: (had to ask the people I work with)
1. I was like…I was like…
2. pftt
3. is that right
4. I mean…
5. int it. (isn’t it)
6. oh well
7. anyway ( not that I get bored so easily)
I get this impression that people need to tell me things twice. Included here is the Malay ‘sounds’
1. ye ke
2. daa
3. gilalah
4. aiyoo
5. dih/deh/neh/
6. pastukan
7. you tau tak…
Again I seem to need the reassurance. Don’t we learn something new each day?
7 physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
well formed forearm, with all the carpi superficialis muscles visible, a bit of veins, a bit of hair not too much, tan (not flipping white like it never seen the sun), phwoarr fingers.
visible jawline (you have to be slim to have a jawline- go figure), sharp, clean so I can kiss ‘see you later’ in the morning before work, or stubbly on weekends for those tickly nuzzly lay ins.
A height that does need more than a tip toe and a head up to get to if he’s not cooperating. I’m 5’ 3”.
Smell like this (-----------). I would put a sample in the blank space if I could bottle it but it’s not a smell you can even put in words. It’s only on certain people that I have met and it’s not the perfume that they have on. You either have it or you don’t. If it’s not crucial, it’s so bloody important. The scent of a man. It makes it happen.
Pert gluteals.
No man boobs, no chest hair, no back spots, no tattoos, no piercings, no artificial limbs, no extensions, no enhancement, I need a library of good genes.
The whole fresh, lean in between slim and butch, relaxed body language yet observant, quick, agile and sharp, good dexterity ( lefty is a bonus), a good past history of sports obsession- playing them not watching them.
It’s not the static physical appearance that’s important, it’s the dynamic one. It’s what what you can do with it and to it. Ubi, you got me daydreaming again.
you naughty girl you.

It was another busy 24 hr on call that I’ve just finished this morning, but I had a good solid 5 hour sleep before getting bleeped just around sahur time. So, can’t really grumble about it.
A day off like this would be like life little well earned treats. You plan things while driving home, so many things to do and so many loose ends to sort out, but once you hit the front door, all you want to do is do nothing.
It’s been a week since Dr.Vagina left for Trinidad and Dr.Bowels left for some caving in Mulu, Sarawak. She gila I tell you.
No more nights in the car park doing belly bananza to the Soca beat from Dr.Vagina’s ‘new’ CD player. No more Wednesday night outs, no more Salsa class. No more late night chats till I discover I was the only one working the next day. That wasn’t funny. Am I missing them? Surely that’s not true.
Friends by definition should annoy you once in a while. Dr.Vagina would come up all the way just to show me his new nano ipod. ‘Cool right’.. ‘Damn cool’… ‘Cool right’. It wasn’t a conversation, just him lost in his own nano world. Dr.Bowels would tell me off just because I didn’t text her back, would text us inundatedly to go to the mess, just because she was on call and we got the weekend off.
But despite the things they do that annoy you, you are still friends, now that’s what you call being good friends. But think about this, Dr.Bowels said to me once that she’ll have me as her boyfriend if things are different. We laughed it off but, that’s the kind of gravitation you get towards good friends, you want to be with them because they make you laugh and you feel good about yourself. Basically you’ll marry them if you could. So, my point is, girls, be careful when a guy you’re dating said ‘oh she’s just a good friend’.
And be careful when you no longer laugh with him.
On friends, I was tagged by my Ubi friend, orang kata..I did this suka suka aje ok. Take it light, sugar fee and decaf. After all, am writing it post on call. The lucidity of the content may vary.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
Tea with the queen, get invited to Prince William’s party at club H, island hop from Cyprus right around to Hawaii, write a book about it, one night stand and feel completely great the next day…
I am not blonde and my legs don’t go right up to my neck so let’s try again.
1. Visit the Holy land and do Haj, with Cik T. Dad can come along as long as the other 2 women stay at home. (their respective homes)
2. See that (by any means) my brother is completely cured of what he’s suffering from now.
3. Leave behind a vocational training centre to help those ‘drifters’ who have potential in life but never find guidance.
4. Open a Woman Wellbeing centre, includes a hospital for womanly ailments and baby related abdominal swelling, (basically obs and gynae centre), a gym equipped with sauna, a spa which only uses natural ingredients for all spa jobby and a swimming pool which has swimming class, also with other classes like pilates, yoga moga and what nots you find in a gym.
Also includes a whollistic beauty academy teaching women how to carry themselves, how to dress themselves, how to enhance the beauty they have and not to slap on just any new products on the market that will make them look like a slapper who tries too hard. Motto will be ‘less is more’.
They will graduate to be a highly demurred, sophisticated yet funky ladies, who know how to have fun yet down to earth with abundant moral values to avoid being gun down by not so nice women who didn’t go to the academy.
A language centre where women are taught how to communicate in a womanly way, (both verbally and body languagely), yet firm and in the end get what all women want. A library included in the language centre with DVDs to rent. A Club exclusive for professional women where events are held for members or for people to just chill after work, and only men of certain calibre will be invited. Limited membership.
5. Practice anaesthetics and trauma care in places like Somalia, Sierra Leone or wherever there is natural disaster.
6. Write book A, Book B and Book C and have ‘for my loving husband and my 3 kids’ on the page they normally have that kind of thing written on.
7. Err..get married?
7 things I could do now:
You know, this is not really a good question.
1. I suppose I could give myself more frequent holidays.
2. I could stop putting it off and say yes and get hitched and get married and discover the whole new world of undiscoverable things.
3. I could get a new car. Bored you see ‘riding’ the same one all the time.
4. I could pamper myself with girly things like a massage, facial, this and that.
5. I could bring Cik T to come and live with me.
6. I could get pro active and get tenants for Sri Palma.
7. Go home. No I couldn’t.
As I said I don’t like that question.
7 celebrity crushes :
1. That boy in mickey mouse club, Cik T caught me kissing the telly.
2. That boy in the movie ‘electric dream’, for a week I wished I was an American girl.
3. Damien Bodie
4. Milan Baros (shoe size 9)
5. Gary Lineker
6. That guy in X-files (flipping eck can’t remember- oh David Duchovny)
7. err.. Milan Baros
7 often repeated words: (had to ask the people I work with)
1. I was like…I was like…
2. pftt
3. is that right
4. I mean…
5. int it. (isn’t it)
6. oh well
7. anyway ( not that I get bored so easily)
I get this impression that people need to tell me things twice. Included here is the Malay ‘sounds’
1. ye ke
2. daa
3. gilalah
4. aiyoo
5. dih/deh/neh/
6. pastukan
7. you tau tak…
Again I seem to need the reassurance. Don’t we learn something new each day?
7 physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
well formed forearm, with all the carpi superficialis muscles visible, a bit of veins, a bit of hair not too much, tan (not flipping white like it never seen the sun), phwoarr fingers.
visible jawline (you have to be slim to have a jawline- go figure), sharp, clean so I can kiss ‘see you later’ in the morning before work, or stubbly on weekends for those tickly nuzzly lay ins.
A height that does need more than a tip toe and a head up to get to if he’s not cooperating. I’m 5’ 3”.
Smell like this (-----------). I would put a sample in the blank space if I could bottle it but it’s not a smell you can even put in words. It’s only on certain people that I have met and it’s not the perfume that they have on. You either have it or you don’t. If it’s not crucial, it’s so bloody important. The scent of a man. It makes it happen.
Pert gluteals.
No man boobs, no chest hair, no back spots, no tattoos, no piercings, no artificial limbs, no extensions, no enhancement, I need a library of good genes.
The whole fresh, lean in between slim and butch, relaxed body language yet observant, quick, agile and sharp, good dexterity ( lefty is a bonus), a good past history of sports obsession- playing them not watching them.
It’s not the static physical appearance that’s important, it’s the dynamic one. It’s what what you can do with it and to it. Ubi, you got me daydreaming again.