Saturday, September 10, 2005
Some Change Some Don't

Exam venues should now be newly classed as highly sociable, happening and cool.
This time it’s Armitage Centre, NOT, I repeat, NOT flippin’ 2 miles away from my hotel room. When the Pakistani cab driver asked £11.10 from me I literally clenched my butt, feeling a bit tight I suppose parting with more than a tenner for a cab. 2 miles my foot to that lollipop hotel receptionist (she wasn’t even blonde), and 11 pounds my butt to the paki cab driver. Grrr..
Outside the hall the usual people were already there Kev, Nav, Ravi. Bickered to them about the colossal cab price. The fact that they thought I was being conned as well didn’t make me feel any better but the fact that none of them really know what it should be instead, helped me got rid of the ideas of how to murder a cab driver.
There was about 100 doctors or so mingling and chatting. Not any different to a wet market. The whole noise just blended into basic tenor note which I could just selectively ignore. Soothing white noise. It’s such a good feeling to see many worried faces as well. Almost hearing Michael Jackson’s You Are Not Alone tune filling up the lobby.
A guy walked past with ipod earpiece dangling off his auricles. A walk I recognised and brought back some comical memories. Oh dear, he is really gay now. (If it was the person I thought he was) I didn’t realize what I said wasn’t just confined in my head, so I had to explain to everybody who I thought that was. Ravi screwed his face.
When he came out of the loo, I was right, it was him. Gay, very. Green body hugging T, white K-swiss, sling bag hung across his broad shoulders, spiky well gelled hair would survive any kind of hurricane and arms to die for. He must have gained inches vertically as well. Why can’t non gay men look after themselves as well as? That’s not true actually but I like to be inflammatory.
I wasn’t sure at the time if I should keep looking until he caught my eyes. If that happens I had to then act all surprised denying the fact that I have actually been watching his butt, which to some might be good enough to sink your teeth and claws into (I heard a woman said that once, so I am just copycatting because it sounded appropriate and cool). Under no circumstances would I say that out loud. If I look away then that is a silly thing to do because God knows when we’d see each other again and I have to know if he really is a poof. That’s crucial.
From the corner of my eyes I saw him making a beeline towards my table and stopped a feet away in front of me.
‘So you liked what you see?’ Posing like a Neptune which made me half stunned and half hysterical.
Slapped him hard across his shoulder and got squeezed and pecked in the cheek in return. And why can’t non-gay men smell as good? Over generalizing there, but men MUST know that one of the ways into a girl’s heart is through the olfactory bulbs. Good smells awaken good gestures I say.
Reminiscing the times we had at med school, the people we know and bit bout anaesthetics.
So why have you turned into this sinful speciality Naj?
I said I hate clinics and ward rounds and I like things get done quickly. Bluntly.
Exactly! Blahblahblahblah.He said with unnecessary hand movements. I swear he looked like a lobster trying to get out of a hot boiling pot. He lives in Brighton now and I think he’d blend in the community with no problems at all.
Half way up the stairs another familiar face and, do people always look better the more years you’ve spent not seeing them? I don’t know how it happened but some girly shrieks exchanged which I vowed once before I wouldn’t do ever again because it got the whole restaurant tutting and shaking their heads, but hey once a TKCian, always a TKCian, shrieking or no shrieking.
She must have lost about 3 stones looking absolutely ravishing. Parted a deserving compliment to her and she said ‘I know hahahaha’ flicking her purposeful tumbling locks out of her face, in return. It’s hard sometimes to throw compliments because you feel a bit sick of how some people know they are going to get the compliment because they get it so often, so you have to force yourself making the obvious statement before you insult them by not mentioning anything at all. I mean 10 minutes into the conversation and then only mentioning how good she looks is a bit risky. Bit like having to swallow a bitter tablet the size of your thumb, you know you have to do it; which is only true by the way, if you are 8 because they don’t make that big a tablet nowadays.
Wish she said the same thing about me, but instead she said I haven’t changed much. I just took it as a compliment. At least in that 5 years hadn’t put on that much on me so add another 5, I should still be good. (yeah, pfft I say to that, then what? Pickled, canned, barcoded with backdated expiry date and shipped to Antigua?)
Anyhow, it’s sad that the reason I get to meet some old friends is because we were doing more exams. Somehow I wonder if we were selected before birth to become guinea pigs to see if some of us would swing to the other direction and come out of the closets from the pressure and amount of exams and studying we have to do. Whose fault is it though, huh, huh, huh?
After the exam, some decided to drown themselves in some by product of sugar fermentation so we removed our battered and severed bodies and asses to a different venue. I had two paninis and it was only 6pm. Exams always brought out the pig in me, I felt like eating an elephant. Roasted. Can we eat elephant? It’s a herbivore after all. Felt like a medical student after an Easter exam all over again, what with all the stupid jokes and gossips ping ponged all across Travelodge club. I changed my mind about Travelodge, it’s not bad at all.
Couple of people rang through to ask about how the exam was. One call was from somebody unexpected. After all this time? He asked me quite normal questions, conversation was quite normal. Analyse why don’t you Naj.
Today is muggy, and I am stuck in this poky flat.
People should think twice before going to any hospital the next day.

Exam venues should now be newly classed as highly sociable, happening and cool.
This time it’s Armitage Centre, NOT, I repeat, NOT flippin’ 2 miles away from my hotel room. When the Pakistani cab driver asked £11.10 from me I literally clenched my butt, feeling a bit tight I suppose parting with more than a tenner for a cab. 2 miles my foot to that lollipop hotel receptionist (she wasn’t even blonde), and 11 pounds my butt to the paki cab driver. Grrr..
Outside the hall the usual people were already there Kev, Nav, Ravi. Bickered to them about the colossal cab price. The fact that they thought I was being conned as well didn’t make me feel any better but the fact that none of them really know what it should be instead, helped me got rid of the ideas of how to murder a cab driver.
There was about 100 doctors or so mingling and chatting. Not any different to a wet market. The whole noise just blended into basic tenor note which I could just selectively ignore. Soothing white noise. It’s such a good feeling to see many worried faces as well. Almost hearing Michael Jackson’s You Are Not Alone tune filling up the lobby.
A guy walked past with ipod earpiece dangling off his auricles. A walk I recognised and brought back some comical memories. Oh dear, he is really gay now. (If it was the person I thought he was) I didn’t realize what I said wasn’t just confined in my head, so I had to explain to everybody who I thought that was. Ravi screwed his face.
When he came out of the loo, I was right, it was him. Gay, very. Green body hugging T, white K-swiss, sling bag hung across his broad shoulders, spiky well gelled hair would survive any kind of hurricane and arms to die for. He must have gained inches vertically as well. Why can’t non gay men look after themselves as well as? That’s not true actually but I like to be inflammatory.
I wasn’t sure at the time if I should keep looking until he caught my eyes. If that happens I had to then act all surprised denying the fact that I have actually been watching his butt, which to some might be good enough to sink your teeth and claws into (I heard a woman said that once, so I am just copycatting because it sounded appropriate and cool). Under no circumstances would I say that out loud. If I look away then that is a silly thing to do because God knows when we’d see each other again and I have to know if he really is a poof. That’s crucial.
From the corner of my eyes I saw him making a beeline towards my table and stopped a feet away in front of me.
‘So you liked what you see?’ Posing like a Neptune which made me half stunned and half hysterical.
Slapped him hard across his shoulder and got squeezed and pecked in the cheek in return. And why can’t non-gay men smell as good? Over generalizing there, but men MUST know that one of the ways into a girl’s heart is through the olfactory bulbs. Good smells awaken good gestures I say.
Reminiscing the times we had at med school, the people we know and bit bout anaesthetics.
So why have you turned into this sinful speciality Naj?
I said I hate clinics and ward rounds and I like things get done quickly. Bluntly.
Exactly! Blahblahblahblah.He said with unnecessary hand movements. I swear he looked like a lobster trying to get out of a hot boiling pot. He lives in Brighton now and I think he’d blend in the community with no problems at all.
Half way up the stairs another familiar face and, do people always look better the more years you’ve spent not seeing them? I don’t know how it happened but some girly shrieks exchanged which I vowed once before I wouldn’t do ever again because it got the whole restaurant tutting and shaking their heads, but hey once a TKCian, always a TKCian, shrieking or no shrieking.
She must have lost about 3 stones looking absolutely ravishing. Parted a deserving compliment to her and she said ‘I know hahahaha’ flicking her purposeful tumbling locks out of her face, in return. It’s hard sometimes to throw compliments because you feel a bit sick of how some people know they are going to get the compliment because they get it so often, so you have to force yourself making the obvious statement before you insult them by not mentioning anything at all. I mean 10 minutes into the conversation and then only mentioning how good she looks is a bit risky. Bit like having to swallow a bitter tablet the size of your thumb, you know you have to do it; which is only true by the way, if you are 8 because they don’t make that big a tablet nowadays.
Wish she said the same thing about me, but instead she said I haven’t changed much. I just took it as a compliment. At least in that 5 years hadn’t put on that much on me so add another 5, I should still be good. (yeah, pfft I say to that, then what? Pickled, canned, barcoded with backdated expiry date and shipped to Antigua?)
Anyhow, it’s sad that the reason I get to meet some old friends is because we were doing more exams. Somehow I wonder if we were selected before birth to become guinea pigs to see if some of us would swing to the other direction and come out of the closets from the pressure and amount of exams and studying we have to do. Whose fault is it though, huh, huh, huh?
After the exam, some decided to drown themselves in some by product of sugar fermentation so we removed our battered and severed bodies and asses to a different venue. I had two paninis and it was only 6pm. Exams always brought out the pig in me, I felt like eating an elephant. Roasted. Can we eat elephant? It’s a herbivore after all. Felt like a medical student after an Easter exam all over again, what with all the stupid jokes and gossips ping ponged all across Travelodge club. I changed my mind about Travelodge, it’s not bad at all.
Couple of people rang through to ask about how the exam was. One call was from somebody unexpected. After all this time? He asked me quite normal questions, conversation was quite normal. Analyse why don’t you Naj.
Today is muggy, and I am stuck in this poky flat.
People should think twice before going to any hospital the next day.