Friday, September 16, 2005
I wish..not (1)
The Elizabeth - HRC Pattaya

Why is it that, more often than not things happen exactly the opposite to what you wish for.
As in, ‘I wish such and such won't happen to me today or such and such will happen today’ .
Then, the law of the opposite auto kicks in, the contrary happens.
For example:
I wish it doesn’t rain today- just bring your umbrella, afterall you're in Britain. I wish my op list is short today- just be prepared to come home at 7pm famished. I wish I am working with somebody today so I get relieved for breaks- just be prepared to hold your bladder and pray nobody would tickle leak you by accidental rubbing or nudging or god forbid you have to have to go and scrub for epidural, the tap is the killer.
Well, it would have been an ok on call had I not been woken up at 3 am to gas an ERPC- (evacuation of product of conception) who re-bled copious amount and passed more clumps of tissue (baby’s legs? Arms? Eughh) after just been done 6 hours earlier. ERPC is, sucking out pregnancy product from a miscarriage in layman’s terms. I am yet to find out who layman is.
Most of the time, this is fairly straight forward, but of course, under the new cosmic arrangement of the lunar-tic stellar, there has got to be some sort of ER to screw up my night.
Post op, she bled more and I didn’t go to bed just in case it escalated and she needed to go back to OT. Couldn’t go back to sleep anyway even if I staple my eyelids together. The woman didn’t drop any blood pressure or haemoglobin with the slow trickle which was fine by me. Woman did I say? I beg your pardon..she’s 18. So, a girl barely a woman. On that note, fancy stuff stuck up your punani and bits of body parts sucked out at 18? Arkhh..don’t blame you if you’re crossing legs now.
I was selling ice cream and busy playing hard to get at 18. Which I thought was a lot of fun until they told me you have to go to a school 13 hrs by flight away across the globe, speak English with your neck stiffened otherwise they’ll say ‘Wot, could you speak up please, you foreigner’ and live with a bunch of white girls and learn quadratic equation all over again with a classroom full of spotty white boys and a Thai prince. Urmmm.
Anyhow, with 3 hr sleep, I wasn’t actually feeling very bright, looking a bit dim, having greasy unruly hair just flopped on my head like a mop and was just hoping I could wrinkle my nose and magically materialize in the car. The walk to the car park which we call ‘The Pit’ is about 10 minutes, and it’s not what you want to do on a morning like this if you can help it. One of these days, actually before I leave this hospital I want to write to them, to congratulate their thoughtful effort in making NHS staff exercise more and also to make a suggestion to move the car park further. We’ll see what they say.
The sun was bright and I was struggling to see through such small slit openings. I can imagine liking the generous bombardment of lights hitting my skin, my face, my hair, vitamin D being made, bones cheering upon arrival of the vitamin D molecules ushering the calcium,
…. Yeah good imagination that, on any other day but today lah though. Huff huff puff puff.

Why is it that, more often than not things happen exactly the opposite to what you wish for.
As in, ‘I wish such and such won't happen to me today or such and such will happen today’ .
Then, the law of the opposite auto kicks in, the contrary happens.
For example:
I wish it doesn’t rain today- just bring your umbrella, afterall you're in Britain. I wish my op list is short today- just be prepared to come home at 7pm famished. I wish I am working with somebody today so I get relieved for breaks- just be prepared to hold your bladder and pray nobody would tickle leak you by accidental rubbing or nudging or god forbid you have to have to go and scrub for epidural, the tap is the killer.
Well, it would have been an ok on call had I not been woken up at 3 am to gas an ERPC- (evacuation of product of conception) who re-bled copious amount and passed more clumps of tissue (baby’s legs? Arms? Eughh) after just been done 6 hours earlier. ERPC is, sucking out pregnancy product from a miscarriage in layman’s terms. I am yet to find out who layman is.
Most of the time, this is fairly straight forward, but of course, under the new cosmic arrangement of the lunar-tic stellar, there has got to be some sort of ER to screw up my night.
Post op, she bled more and I didn’t go to bed just in case it escalated and she needed to go back to OT. Couldn’t go back to sleep anyway even if I staple my eyelids together. The woman didn’t drop any blood pressure or haemoglobin with the slow trickle which was fine by me. Woman did I say? I beg your pardon..she’s 18. So, a girl barely a woman. On that note, fancy stuff stuck up your punani and bits of body parts sucked out at 18? Arkhh..don’t blame you if you’re crossing legs now.
I was selling ice cream and busy playing hard to get at 18. Which I thought was a lot of fun until they told me you have to go to a school 13 hrs by flight away across the globe, speak English with your neck stiffened otherwise they’ll say ‘Wot, could you speak up please, you foreigner’ and live with a bunch of white girls and learn quadratic equation all over again with a classroom full of spotty white boys and a Thai prince. Urmmm.
Anyhow, with 3 hr sleep, I wasn’t actually feeling very bright, looking a bit dim, having greasy unruly hair just flopped on my head like a mop and was just hoping I could wrinkle my nose and magically materialize in the car. The walk to the car park which we call ‘The Pit’ is about 10 minutes, and it’s not what you want to do on a morning like this if you can help it. One of these days, actually before I leave this hospital I want to write to them, to congratulate their thoughtful effort in making NHS staff exercise more and also to make a suggestion to move the car park further. We’ll see what they say.
The sun was bright and I was struggling to see through such small slit openings. I can imagine liking the generous bombardment of lights hitting my skin, my face, my hair, vitamin D being made, bones cheering upon arrival of the vitamin D molecules ushering the calcium,
…. Yeah good imagination that, on any other day but today lah though. Huff huff puff puff.