Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Who Drives What

Somebody tailgated me on the way to work. Stupid git. I mean it’s a bloody double lane and all he had to do was pissed me off with cocky chicanery trying to kiss my Megane ass in his red Mini Cooper- with white chevron on the front somemore. Damn you! I like the car and the driver was almost Crespo (Chelsea) cross Damien Bodie like.Damn!
On the radio, Hirsty daily dose was all about this theory on what kind of people drive which cars. According to DJ Hirsty, in his randomised chaotic theory, fit birds drive Renault Clio and minging birds tend to drive cars like Mini Cooper. Number of times he was disappointed to see a lovely Mini Cooper whizzed past with an ugly looking bag behind the wheel was phenomenal.
And I agree with Hirsty!
On the other hand, with Renault Clio, the proportion of fit women driving the not so posh car is higher than the not so fit ones. So he’s doing a survey by making people ringing into the studio, and the whole thing was just hilarious. I just wonder though, is it the Renault generally that attracts fit birds or the Clio? Heheheheh.
One way of explaining it is that minging fat birds need a better looking car so it’ll take pressure off them when heads turn their way. It’s a clever compensation mechanism or survival of the fittest, call it whatever you want. The fit ones though are happy with just a reliable car like Renault Clio or Megane *cough* for that matter, as they have nobody to make any statement to or anything to justify.
Blokes, in my limited observation; the fit ones tend to drive an Audi. Just look at an Audi A3 and you’ll see 9 out of 10, the driver will be fit, sporting shades looking, extra chill, even if it’s not so sunny. For example that plastic surgeon SHO, that anaesthetic SHO, that ICU registrar, my friend’s husband, ok better stop there.
Beware of Beemers! They are married!!!!