Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Such A Day Off Is

I bought the books simply because, they were 3 for 2,
because there is something about bending those sharp crisp spines of the paperbacks which makes you want to stretch your own and flop into a foetal position silently pacifying the layers of papers,
and because those anaesthetic books are just too brain poaching that sometimes it infuriates me with pressure cooker steam type exasperation just knowing, more and more the much that I don’t know. So I give up and read about how Bruno would cook those orgasmic food infused with love for Laura instead. I shouldn’t have finished it all at once on Monday but I sadly did.
My soon would be registrar friend reminded that I have to quiz her on SpR interview questions and I barely said uhuh and hung up. Told her, her train was too noisy, so she felt guilty and hung up.
My friend in Manchester rang to debate about Jesus and Mohammed and I simply said HE’S RIGHT which made him thought I have lost my marbles or somebody had spiked my tap water supply. He gave up debating with the wall and I slumped back into my sofa with the book. I asked him if he goes to the church and he said no. So that made him guilty and he hung up. He said get well soon just before, but I am sure he didn’t mean my cough.
On both occasions I felt very much guilty, adequately atoned for being selfish but oh so sorry sorry for Bandetta for being such a sex goddess and a wonderful chef and a considerate lover to Bruno only to have Bruno taken away by his old flame the American blonde with freckles on her shoulder. Such life is.
Love being off on Monday, all the time in the world for me, all the naughty little thoughts of those people working in little cubes straddling files and portfolios and meetings after meetings, slaying deadlines after deadlines. Such rat race is.
Love it when I venture out to town, having the shops all to myself, and not having to queue for some stupid cellotape which I don’t think is the right spelling anyway. Everything that was on sale proudly only carrying the tag size 12 and above. I didn’t even realize when they started the whole summer sale- price slash, all must go, clearance, and all other synonyms to spend more money here and here and here, which also equally means even though you don’t need them but because they are cheap-er than before the sale you just have to have them! Such marketing is.
I must say I suck at wearing heels. Don’t have a reason to own more than a pair. For a torture on a Friday/Saturday night maybe and that’s about it. I found a cunning way of gaining that extra 3 inches mind you. WEDGES. Do you do wedges girlfriend? I do now. I think I might have just overdone it slightly by buying 3 pairs. It’s the season must have they say and most importantly, why not. Such being a girl is.
And I bought the red one because?...