Saturday, August 06, 2005
Just Wink.

Why would I recommend winking? Because us doctors and nurses when we go out, we want to have fun while still do care for the civilians and of course to do not harm to anybody. Promote love and harmony wherever we are. Dedicated we are to our work.
When a guy at one eyeballing doesn’t appear to have much to offer but is trying his best to chat you up, excuse yourself and wink. He’ll get hurt but the thump is cushioned with that wink you give just before you walk off to find your school of fish friends who’ve abandoned you to the Belly Bananza.
When he asks you what you do for a living if he ever gets that far, don’t say I am a doctor. Say you’re a gas woman with a wink. Because you don’t want him to get intimidated and the gas woman with a wink will make him thinks it’s one of those jobs like tea lady or hair lady. You don’t want to scratch anybody’s ego. You don’t want to do that to the poor thing. Plumber, builder, bank cashier, they all have sensitive little hearts. In this place you will soon learn to lower your expectation to not let these losers ruin your night.
At the bar, instead of saying can I have (insert beverage of your choice) and a please, order, wink and smile, he will rush to please, you'll be amazed.
At the dance floor if a guy approaches and you don’t like to be seen in the minimum allowed radius, do a moonwalk, wink and disappear, he will think it’s cool.
When you go out with 2 medically qualified bodyguards, when leaning over to speak to one, wink at another so the other one doesn’t feel completely left out. After all they both rely on your attention to appear cool to non-doctor chicks they might be interested in.
However if you found yourself gaining few stalkers, proceed further winking only with caution.
Footnote: A weekend off after a 3 weeks monkeyed in any hospital to do on calls is like finally allowed to dunk oreos into a hot mug of full fat milk (for PG12 version) or a genuine orgasm after a hard work at it, whichever way it is acquired (for adult version) so I was told, what with being a virgin and all .Oh Oh oh oh.
I'm*running into the wilderness naked with gleeful skips and cackles which will irritate even the buffalo's fleas*