Thursday, August 25, 2005
Some newspapers are more generous than others.

I was on call for the past 24 hrs. (Like it’s a new thing..pfft) . Theatre Sister Hillary let out some shocking facts leaving me still shocked-ish, hovering still over the facts, while digesting it slowly. It made me wonder what else could be going on around me that I am yet to discover.
At 10 pm the surgeon booked a 4 year old for appendisectomy. A 4 year old anaesthesia is out of my depth anaesthesia. I wouldn’t want to be pissing in my pants at midnight if anything happens, so I rang the consultant on call.
He was out of breath at the other end and I felt sorry for making him run to the phone. To my dismay, he’s not available for the next hour. Which is strange because, if you’re on call, you should be available for the juniors should they need help. Ideally.
It had to be an hour then, I said without thinking beyond, over, above or under unlike Hillary. So we did the gynae case in the meantime. In theatre, I updated Sister Hillary.
An hour? She looked like she knew it all too well.
You know Naj, he is actually doing a rompy pompy because John heard that he's meeting this woman at seven.
Nooo. Can’t be, he’s on call Hill, and his wife is in Egypt, I said.
Naj there’s a lot you don’t know yet and a wife in Egypt does not stop any man doing a rompy pompy. She nodded wisely giving me a wise woman glance.
Rompy pompy? Shocked beyond comprehension.
1. He’s panting when he answered the phone and it was a mobile number.
2. He lives 2 minutes away, why does he need an hour?
Rompetty pompetty ..rompy pompy.
In the coffee room John and Stewart (ODAs) were on about Liverpool football team, and I got hold of The Sun ignoring them two, at least they’re off my back for a while.
Apart from the girl, something on health caught my attention. What being a doctor and all.
iPoditis ( Musicalis thunderosus)- deafness caused by pumping up the volume on your musical gizmo.
Laptop flop (Testicularis Volcanis)-Infertility caused by laptop computers overheating the testicles, damaging sperm. Men naturally sit with their legs apart to keep the testicles cool, but men with lap tops keep their legs together increasing body heat around genitals.
Text thumb (Vodafonicus tenderitis)- Painful swollen thumbs caused by excessive texting.
Remote obesity (Couchicus Slouchicus)- Weight problems linked to hours in front of the TV with only the remote control for exercise. Made worse by tendency to snack on junk.
Xbox back (Joysticus twingeicus)- Lower backpain triggered by slouching over an xbox or Playstation game.
You have been warned. Take care of yourself and your gadgets.

I was on call for the past 24 hrs. (Like it’s a new thing..pfft) . Theatre Sister Hillary let out some shocking facts leaving me still shocked-ish, hovering still over the facts, while digesting it slowly. It made me wonder what else could be going on around me that I am yet to discover.
At 10 pm the surgeon booked a 4 year old for appendisectomy. A 4 year old anaesthesia is out of my depth anaesthesia. I wouldn’t want to be pissing in my pants at midnight if anything happens, so I rang the consultant on call.
He was out of breath at the other end and I felt sorry for making him run to the phone. To my dismay, he’s not available for the next hour. Which is strange because, if you’re on call, you should be available for the juniors should they need help. Ideally.
It had to be an hour then, I said without thinking beyond, over, above or under unlike Hillary. So we did the gynae case in the meantime. In theatre, I updated Sister Hillary.
An hour? She looked like she knew it all too well.
You know Naj, he is actually doing a rompy pompy because John heard that he's meeting this woman at seven.
Nooo. Can’t be, he’s on call Hill, and his wife is in Egypt, I said.
Naj there’s a lot you don’t know yet and a wife in Egypt does not stop any man doing a rompy pompy. She nodded wisely giving me a wise woman glance.
Rompy pompy? Shocked beyond comprehension.
1. He’s panting when he answered the phone and it was a mobile number.
2. He lives 2 minutes away, why does he need an hour?
Rompetty pompetty ..rompy pompy.
In the coffee room John and Stewart (ODAs) were on about Liverpool football team, and I got hold of The Sun ignoring them two, at least they’re off my back for a while.
Apart from the girl, something on health caught my attention. What being a doctor and all.
iPoditis ( Musicalis thunderosus)- deafness caused by pumping up the volume on your musical gizmo.
Laptop flop (Testicularis Volcanis)-Infertility caused by laptop computers overheating the testicles, damaging sperm. Men naturally sit with their legs apart to keep the testicles cool, but men with lap tops keep their legs together increasing body heat around genitals.
Text thumb (Vodafonicus tenderitis)- Painful swollen thumbs caused by excessive texting.
Remote obesity (Couchicus Slouchicus)- Weight problems linked to hours in front of the TV with only the remote control for exercise. Made worse by tendency to snack on junk.
Xbox back (Joysticus twingeicus)- Lower backpain triggered by slouching over an xbox or Playstation game.
You have been warned. Take care of yourself and your gadgets.