Saturday, July 30, 2005
Pretty Baby Doc
Her door

Just before I went to work last night, I left the girl in my living room curled up on my sofa with piles of books around her. I concluded she’ll have plenty of things to do what with the internet, the DVDs, the CDs, the books and the books and the books while I am out at work.
That reminds me, I’ll be needing a lot of boxes to accommodate those books when I soon move.
Earlier, I took her to ASDA, showed her around. I picked up a book (which I have just finished reading this evening), and threw it in the trolley.
You like reading huh? She winced at me.
As much as munching cherries I said and I smiled at her.
My friends been all excited about Da Vinci Code. They were going; have you read it, or have you got it. I don’t know what the excitement was all about.
I told her I have got a copy if she wants to have a look. Read even.
She only bought two things. Milk and microwavable lasagne. I offered to pay as she is yet to start working. These days 'baby' docs have to do what they call shadowing before they can be let loose in the world of needles, germs and body fluids. She very much obliged.
In the car, she said thank you and that it was very kind of me. Her smile was oh so innocent and as sweet as Mr. Kipling’s viennes swirls.
Now, do I
1) smile and said ‘my pleasure’, and continue manning the steering wheel.
2) watch carefully if her hands migrate over to my hemisphere
3) do emergency brake and proceed to snog her there and then.
I need to get out more. This bashings from continuous on calls is making my compass go bonkers and pointing south.

Just before I went to work last night, I left the girl in my living room curled up on my sofa with piles of books around her. I concluded she’ll have plenty of things to do what with the internet, the DVDs, the CDs, the books and the books and the books while I am out at work.
That reminds me, I’ll be needing a lot of boxes to accommodate those books when I soon move.
Earlier, I took her to ASDA, showed her around. I picked up a book (which I have just finished reading this evening), and threw it in the trolley.
You like reading huh? She winced at me.
As much as munching cherries I said and I smiled at her.
My friends been all excited about Da Vinci Code. They were going; have you read it, or have you got it. I don’t know what the excitement was all about.
I told her I have got a copy if she wants to have a look. Read even.
She only bought two things. Milk and microwavable lasagne. I offered to pay as she is yet to start working. These days 'baby' docs have to do what they call shadowing before they can be let loose in the world of needles, germs and body fluids. She very much obliged.
In the car, she said thank you and that it was very kind of me. Her smile was oh so innocent and as sweet as Mr. Kipling’s viennes swirls.
Now, do I
1) smile and said ‘my pleasure’, and continue manning the steering wheel.
2) watch carefully if her hands migrate over to my hemisphere
3) do emergency brake and proceed to snog her there and then.
I need to get out more. This bashings from continuous on calls is making my compass go bonkers and pointing south.