Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Yang ada blog tu kan?
hu shu is de dirty shuh..

The kakak (older sister) with a tudung ( veil) was leaving as the day relinquishing its generous light supply. A lot of people have left. I, very much enjoying the company still, staying bit longer. She approached me who at the time, happily dangling, kicking my legs against the sofa. Come to think of it now..ish kurang nya sopan.
Kakak balik dulu yaaa, while sandwiching my hands. We salam-ed. I smiled broadly.
I smelt Kelantan accent. I hit the note high and confidently splurged a hefty dose of the real Mcoy. She was impressed. That’s how you make an impression. Use what you have, or enquire about what they have and are proud of, if you don’t have what they have.
So sapa nama dari mana? ( What’s your name, and where are you from) She slowly pulled her hand away and brought them to her chest, smiling.
Najmie. I said.
Najmie ya. Ok ya kakak balik dulu ya. ( Acknowledging me, while excusing herself)
She stopped and turned. Eh Najmie ya. Yang ada blog tu kan? (The one with a blog?)
Yang ada blog tu kan? Yang ada blog tu kan ? Yang ada blog tu kan? It echoed on.
The laughter from the monkeys muffled as I felt my whole face turning red, my head shrunk to a habitus with 0% water content and my body squeezing through a Pringle container.
Kuajja korang.

The kakak (older sister) with a tudung ( veil) was leaving as the day relinquishing its generous light supply. A lot of people have left. I, very much enjoying the company still, staying bit longer. She approached me who at the time, happily dangling, kicking my legs against the sofa. Come to think of it now..ish kurang nya sopan.
Kakak balik dulu yaaa, while sandwiching my hands. We salam-ed. I smiled broadly.
I smelt Kelantan accent. I hit the note high and confidently splurged a hefty dose of the real Mcoy. She was impressed. That’s how you make an impression. Use what you have, or enquire about what they have and are proud of, if you don’t have what they have.
So sapa nama dari mana? ( What’s your name, and where are you from) She slowly pulled her hand away and brought them to her chest, smiling.
Najmie. I said.
Najmie ya. Ok ya kakak balik dulu ya. ( Acknowledging me, while excusing herself)
She stopped and turned. Eh Najmie ya. Yang ada blog tu kan? (The one with a blog?)
Yang ada blog tu kan? Yang ada blog tu kan ? Yang ada blog tu kan? It echoed on.
The laughter from the monkeys muffled as I felt my whole face turning red, my head shrunk to a habitus with 0% water content and my body squeezing through a Pringle container.
Kuajja korang.