Friday, June 24, 2005
It's Because....
When it all seems too much, go shopping, but make sure it's on sale.

Chatted to Oli on yahoo messenger earlier. He was asking if he could add this particular ‘abe’ (big bro) he was talking to before, when he was using my username at home. The ‘abe’ was a good friend.
I was speechless. This particular abe is no longer somebody who would want to be associated with me. This particular ‘abe’ slagged me in his blog. This particular ‘abe’ has dug 2 graves following a misunderstanding. Why insisted on the house key if there will be a pick up? Hmmmm.
This particular abe is a friend who has berbudi to the point of no return.
This particular abe has always offered a helping hand, always there for me.
This particular abe promised he would never let anything anybody hurt me.
This particular abe justified that all his good gestures were owed to me making him who he is today. He expects nothing of me.
All the nice things you want in a guy. I even told Cik T about how good he is. The stuff he did for me , the things he gave me. Things he bought whenever he went somewhere, whenever he thought of me.
Oh baiknyaaaaaaa dia. (He's very kind)
Kak Mie, orang, kalau nak sesuatu dia mula mula akan berbudi. Melimpah banyak berbudinya sampai budi tu tak berbalas. (But, be careful of people with overflowing good gestures to the point of absurdity)
Tapi Mak, kadang-kadang dia tinggalkan je stuff outside my door. Tak ambik nanti rude pulak. Kecik hati dia.
(But he sometimes just left the stuff outside my door, it's rude to just leave it out there)
Kalau dia betul nak bagi, nak tolong, baguslah.
Jangan sampai termakan budi. Tu jah.
( In that case just be careful you don't owe him your life in return)
She smiled and continued rinsing the rice. I felt a sharp flicked of lights
whizzing past my head. Who am I kidding, who is he kidding.
Provisional answers to Oli:
a) He has turned to the dark side, won’t be interested in younglings like you.
b) He’s busy and won’t have time for you
c) It’s time for me not to be friends with him anymore.
d) He’s found out my true character, and he’s asked me to go away, with please.
The big question is, why not him? be continued..

Chatted to Oli on yahoo messenger earlier. He was asking if he could add this particular ‘abe’ (big bro) he was talking to before, when he was using my username at home. The ‘abe’ was a good friend.
I was speechless. This particular abe is no longer somebody who would want to be associated with me. This particular ‘abe’ slagged me in his blog. This particular ‘abe’ has dug 2 graves following a misunderstanding. Why insisted on the house key if there will be a pick up? Hmmmm.
This particular abe is a friend who has berbudi to the point of no return.
This particular abe has always offered a helping hand, always there for me.
This particular abe promised he would never let anything anybody hurt me.
This particular abe justified that all his good gestures were owed to me making him who he is today. He expects nothing of me.
All the nice things you want in a guy. I even told Cik T about how good he is. The stuff he did for me , the things he gave me. Things he bought whenever he went somewhere, whenever he thought of me.
Oh baiknyaaaaaaa dia. (He's very kind)
Kak Mie, orang, kalau nak sesuatu dia mula mula akan berbudi. Melimpah banyak berbudinya sampai budi tu tak berbalas. (But, be careful of people with overflowing good gestures to the point of absurdity)
Tapi Mak, kadang-kadang dia tinggalkan je stuff outside my door. Tak ambik nanti rude pulak. Kecik hati dia.
(But he sometimes just left the stuff outside my door, it's rude to just leave it out there)
Kalau dia betul nak bagi, nak tolong, baguslah.
Jangan sampai termakan budi. Tu jah.
( In that case just be careful you don't owe him your life in return)
She smiled and continued rinsing the rice. I felt a sharp flicked of lights
whizzing past my head. Who am I kidding, who is he kidding.
Provisional answers to Oli:
a) He has turned to the dark side, won’t be interested in younglings like you.
b) He’s busy and won’t have time for you
c) It’s time for me not to be friends with him anymore.
d) He’s found out my true character, and he’s asked me to go away, with please.
The big question is, why not him? be continued..