Monday, April 18, 2005

When life gives you lemon make lemonade.
When life gives you codswallop, go shopping.
I am taking up shopping without a coach. This will hopefully make me feel normal. Depressed girls go shopping. Forget trust funds, that apartment I want, ASB and all other long term plans. Forget being sensible. All my life I have been the sensible one. The one making plans and sticking to it, until the plan backfire and you’re left with your own two palms to bury your face into because you were being too idealistic and too practical.
I am tired of being Monica. Now I want to be Rachel. I want to spoil myself silly and let people see the woman in me. So armed with a platinum VISA I raided Freshney Place, the only shopping complex we have here. I much rather if it wasn’t my card but there was a card in the equation nonetheless, so you can imagine the magnitude of the damage that this has amounted to.
I wanted to forget 2004 so I found the 90s HITS CD. I bought that. I am going to remember only the sweetness of life as it was tasted for the first time. No lies, no deceit, no accusation, no expectations. I was just myself, a girl in a foreign land.
I wanted to walk like a woman. I want to fool people into thinking heels are part of my skin, I live eat and sleep in them. I’ll practice in the corridor till my heels bleed and my haluxes grow bunions. I want to look confident when time comes that I have to strut in the arms of my man. Oh yea Bollocks to that. I basically chose the most expensive one on the shelf and walked out. It’s a good feeling.
So I wanted to get rid of my white cold tiny diamond pendant I bought myself at SELBERAN when I first got my paycheque. Well not get rid of it literally because that will be the definition of‘cry me a river’. It has redefined my no fuss no hassle attitude me with that around my neck. I want more colour now, I want something cheap so people steer away from my tired puffy eyes. As the shoes are pink I got pink tinted mother of pearl fussy boho type necklace in the picture. Still don’t know what they call those. But oh yes they look lovely.
Those Clinique things are freebies. Any Clinique product connoisseur ( I can’t spell) can tell from the packaging. Helen gave that to me. I am not strictly a Clinique fanatic. That was just to create the effect of how rampant the shopping was.
I found myself in Ottakar and bought 4 books!!! I mean they were going for £3.99!!! Well chuffed.
For now, I need to keep hold of the receipts until I sober up. Thank you for the 28 day return policy. Oh yes, just in case you were wondering I have been shopping.