Friday, April 01, 2005
I Ditched Scrubs For Siti Nurhaliza
The Inside Of The Albert

Empty seats? Tickets sold out aye?

Still too knackered from all the excitement, waving, jiggling, sing alongs, wowing, and waving the mobile phone screen (instead of lighters or candles) at Siti.
Fingers also still recovering from manic battering at the poor camera. The Olympus gave up just as I was standing outside the stage door to catch a picture with the diva. Aiyoooooola Just managed to get a picture with the emcee- Mahadzir Lokman…jadi laaaaaa oo?
Siti was ace, not just a pretty face, but came out exactly like she is in the CD. She did look like she was a bit tired though and the make up I thought didn’t do so well at covering the evidence. All her four dresses were breathtaking, made me wonder what she would be wearing on her wedding day.
Best bit was probably when she did an acoustic of one of her songs in her album with that cover of her in white looking a bit lost in some jungle. (Can’t call myself a number one fan yet obviously).
Malay Medley

Malay Medley

She stopped and the music flooded in as if the gate has been opened. The whole stage came to life and it felt like somebody was injecting some kind of a magical boost to my senses. She has one almost superpower type voice. I don’t think whoever suggested that she is the Celine Dion of Malaysia was kidding when they said that.
The funny bit was when heads started turning towards us in the 2nd tier and some took out their cameras and got clicking away. I looked below and there they were…the Sultan Pahang!!!!! The more more funny bit was when Siti was going full throttle, I checked out the old man again and he was dozing off!!! It was a bit dark though he could have been well consumed by the angel’s voice. hehehe
The pretty but mind boggling bit was gawking at the deco dotting the ceiling of Royal Albert.
Ehhh apa tu bulat bulat macam mushroom? (What are those round things on the ceiling?)
Entah. (dunno)
I suppose it’s to do with some clever sound engineering which a gas woman like me could only stare and marvel at. The way it changed colour according to the beat was quite spectacular. Pretty things on the ceiling I call those.
Fourth Dress

The exhilarating bit must be when the dancers in rainbow colours cruised, glided, rolled and sashayed across and around Siti.
She must have known that Cindai song was a compulsory and she did that exceedingly well, which satisfied me too well I felt like jogeting as well. Cool..I suppose she has to do lots of joget songs with lots of stage fillers because apart from all these Malay joget numbers all her other songs are far too expressive to get jiggy with it. They’re more appropriate to be sat laid back to in a lounge somewhere sipping some latte or mocha..
The bit I like was when she did the songs from all her earlier albums. All on CINTA. heheheh what to do,
andainya engkau kumiliki hiiiiiiii
terdahulu sebelumyaaa
andaiku curah rasa hatiii
mungkin kini kukan tenang disamping muuuuu
belum puas ku menikmati
kesan kasih sayang
kau terpaksa pergii
She did it with class and it was just inevitable that we all sang along with her. Thoroughly enjoyed it, oh why is she so good.
Yes lah

To add kick to the evidently enjoyable night, the whole 6 hours parking at the NCP in central London was only for £3???!!!! Wooohoooooooooooooooooooooooo
And I thought I was only going to see Ash and her mysterious new boyfriend who was not so mysterious after all heheheh, but also met old friends Zied and Wong, Emelda, Juju, Mahmud, and Abang.
Missed a few like Mohan who went straight to Khan’s for some briyani and Intan who walked too fast and disappeared into the crowd and I don’t have her number. Had sightings of few familiar faces like Opie who was well scrubbed and Nik with Suraya who looked like they were enjoying themselves as much as I was. Made a new friend Dr. Anis who travelled all the way from Edinburgh and this girl could pass for my missing twin!!! What a small and weird world!
Also, I had the pleasure of meeting face to face with the eloquent, the funny, the forever busy, the very lady who said she was going to be walking around looking like a headless chicken with an unmatching tudung guarded by 2 cameramen..the infamous Kak Teh. Syiiooookkkk!!
Too much excitement..too much too much and I thought this is going to be a short one.
credits: most pictures were taken by thelostcodger.. right till his camera died.
The Royal Albert Hall.

Empty seats? Tickets sold out aye?

Still too knackered from all the excitement, waving, jiggling, sing alongs, wowing, and waving the mobile phone screen (instead of lighters or candles) at Siti.
Fingers also still recovering from manic battering at the poor camera. The Olympus gave up just as I was standing outside the stage door to catch a picture with the diva. Aiyoooooola Just managed to get a picture with the emcee- Mahadzir Lokman…jadi laaaaaa oo?
Siti was ace, not just a pretty face, but came out exactly like she is in the CD. She did look like she was a bit tired though and the make up I thought didn’t do so well at covering the evidence. All her four dresses were breathtaking, made me wonder what she would be wearing on her wedding day.
Best bit was probably when she did an acoustic of one of her songs in her album with that cover of her in white looking a bit lost in some jungle. (Can’t call myself a number one fan yet obviously).
Malay Medley

Malay Medley

She stopped and the music flooded in as if the gate has been opened. The whole stage came to life and it felt like somebody was injecting some kind of a magical boost to my senses. She has one almost superpower type voice. I don’t think whoever suggested that she is the Celine Dion of Malaysia was kidding when they said that.
The funny bit was when heads started turning towards us in the 2nd tier and some took out their cameras and got clicking away. I looked below and there they were…the Sultan Pahang!!!!! The more more funny bit was when Siti was going full throttle, I checked out the old man again and he was dozing off!!! It was a bit dark though he could have been well consumed by the angel’s voice. hehehe
The pretty but mind boggling bit was gawking at the deco dotting the ceiling of Royal Albert.
Ehhh apa tu bulat bulat macam mushroom? (What are those round things on the ceiling?)
Entah. (dunno)
I suppose it’s to do with some clever sound engineering which a gas woman like me could only stare and marvel at. The way it changed colour according to the beat was quite spectacular. Pretty things on the ceiling I call those.
Fourth Dress

The exhilarating bit must be when the dancers in rainbow colours cruised, glided, rolled and sashayed across and around Siti.
She must have known that Cindai song was a compulsory and she did that exceedingly well, which satisfied me too well I felt like jogeting as well. Cool..I suppose she has to do lots of joget songs with lots of stage fillers because apart from all these Malay joget numbers all her other songs are far too expressive to get jiggy with it. They’re more appropriate to be sat laid back to in a lounge somewhere sipping some latte or mocha..
The bit I like was when she did the songs from all her earlier albums. All on CINTA. heheheh what to do,
andainya engkau kumiliki hiiiiiiii
terdahulu sebelumyaaa
andaiku curah rasa hatiii
mungkin kini kukan tenang disamping muuuuu
belum puas ku menikmati
kesan kasih sayang
kau terpaksa pergii
She did it with class and it was just inevitable that we all sang along with her. Thoroughly enjoyed it, oh why is she so good.
Yes lah

To add kick to the evidently enjoyable night, the whole 6 hours parking at the NCP in central London was only for £3???!!!! Wooohoooooooooooooooooooooooo
And I thought I was only going to see Ash and her mysterious new boyfriend who was not so mysterious after all heheheh, but also met old friends Zied and Wong, Emelda, Juju, Mahmud, and Abang.
Missed a few like Mohan who went straight to Khan’s for some briyani and Intan who walked too fast and disappeared into the crowd and I don’t have her number. Had sightings of few familiar faces like Opie who was well scrubbed and Nik with Suraya who looked like they were enjoying themselves as much as I was. Made a new friend Dr. Anis who travelled all the way from Edinburgh and this girl could pass for my missing twin!!! What a small and weird world!
Also, I had the pleasure of meeting face to face with the eloquent, the funny, the forever busy, the very lady who said she was going to be walking around looking like a headless chicken with an unmatching tudung guarded by 2 cameramen..the infamous Kak Teh. Syiiooookkkk!!
Too much excitement..too much too much and I thought this is going to be a short one.
credits: most pictures were taken by thelostcodger.. right till his camera died.
The Royal Albert Hall.

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