Friday, April 15, 2005
Hormonal Are We?

On call last night was the sort that I don’t mind having again. 5 patients left on ITU. 2 with trachaeostomy and two intubated on the machine. They’d be here for a while, nobody’s going anywhere so in a way it’s good.
That guy with lung cancer and metastasis to lymph nodes was still there. He was very agitated so much so at one point I was tempted to just put him to sleep but that will be tampering with his normal physiology and the sedation effect will hang around till the next day.
He shouldn’t be sedated was the order from the boss. Now…now.. easier said than done boss.
The family was even more wound up surprise surprise and I was really not in the mood to repeat what’s been said before which has also been conveniently ignored. The brother had different idea to the fiancé and the patient himself had a completely different idea to the other two. What language exactly do they communicate with each other? Can they not get selective amnesia all at once?
It’s quite comical to see how confused they all are. If only they stop and listen to the facts and not twists words into what they want to hear, maybe they’ll get somewhere. A place, where they all understand each other and emotionally supportive towards one another, instead of talking over each other.
It’s like that with some people of lower income background, they accuse, quick to judge, confrontational. Listening as oppose to shouting, to them is a sign of weakness. Of course they are not having it because shouting screaming, verbal abuse and swearing is the definition of who is in charge.
If when they’re not cursing and swearing, they’ll talk over you but in a lower key like a white noise, irritating you right down to your coccyx. If you’re not careful you’ll blow it by starting to shout yourself. Urghhh emotional exercise I tell you is harder than doing a full session in the gym on Saturday mornings.

As everyone else was happily breathing away and the monitors were flickering and blinking as they should, I made my escapade to bed at 01:00 despite the chattering getting hotter, jumping from the topics of baggy fanny to fisting, despite Claire, Rachael and Chris little meeting on what we all should wear on Helen’s leaving do in May. In the changing room my name was already on the list and the threat is £10 if I take my name off it. They’re getting galaxy 105 djs in as well so I suppose it’s going to be a big thing.
Somehow wasn’t feeling all up for it. Good excuse to get a new this and a new that nevertheless.
Jolted out of my precious REM (rapid eye movement) sleep at 3 am. A woman in maternity needed a caesarean section. I’ve had that kind of kick ass shaken out of my deep sleep by the bleep before but this time I was in my most sour foul easily irritating mood. Poor woman was so nervous and all I could think of was my bed. The spinal injection was uneventful suffice to say.
This lady actually had a caesarean section before. When I asked if she remembers much about the injection in the back done previously, she replied no, she never had that. The notes however stated differently.
Is it pregnancy that makes people lose some neurons up there? Kate moss apparently is struggling to remember her lines after having a kid. Oh yes, of course lah. *Eyes rolling like those lottery balls on cocaine * . Wait, Kate Moss doesn't act -sorry it's Gwen Paltrow. Duh. Baby is called 'some fruit'. See what the nurses turned me into.

Something as significant as that and people take it lightly, people take it for granted. People are not being educated enough. People look at the whole shebang as something normal. It’s normal because we make it normal. We make sure it's normal. We take precautions to make sure patients’ safety and lives (if that is any interest to anybody), are at top priority at all times.
Nobody says anything when things are 'normal' but when it's not, you'll see some fingers pointing. Bit like M25, we never appreciate when the traffic is flowing well until some truck decided it's going to topple and roadblock.
No doctors or SHOs (senior house officers) more specifically, should be allowed to do procedures in his/her own unless this has gone through strict assessment that rendered sleepless nights to some weak ones like me. Yet some people slag this group of doctors which is actually the biggest group that make up the doctor population in hospitals. I recommend that if people are going to open their mouth and give some gobbing on which doctors can do what, they better speak to the NHS and see what they say.
All consultants are once SHOs. Go figure.
Apparently, according to Linda and Jane, (two of my favourite ITU nurses) when you get woken up against your will during your REM (rapid eye movement) sleep you’ll be exhausted, cranky and don’t quite catch up with the energy level throughout the day. Hence this rather emotional post.
These two always have answers to everything. One of them is, when a man is angry, what you do is, start talking about breasts, they’ll turn tame and chill because they are big babies really.
I am not sorry for what I’ve said, if people don’t like my views they can e-mail me, challenge my ideas and thoughts. I welcome that, but to slag me off because of my belief, and whip my confidence level, belittle my ability I suggest that you stay away from BluEScrubs. It’s where I huff and puff and I am not impressed with these type of people.
1.Why is it that we can’t sue patients?
2. When is my period due?