Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I think Koala has something up his sleeves.
He seems to rota me down to do exactly what I dread doing more and more lately. I am not a big fan of small creatures and chunky women or chunky men for that matter. They just push my blood pressure through the roof as soon as they close their eyes. At this rate I’ll probably get hypertension by 30 and stroke out at 40. Can feel it furring in my arteries already.
On the list today that’s exactly what I had.
I had a 4 year old and a 6 year old and to put cherry on the cake, a 30 stone woman for tonsillectomy. Great!! I felt all my muscles tensing up even down to the adductor pollicis brevis. Don’t ask me where it is.
I know at some point you have to go up the ladder and bear more responsibilities. Albeit feeling glad that it is finally time to go solo on a more demanding task, inside I still feel like hanging on to the ‘juniority’ lamp post and wrap a blanket around myself.
So nobody can see what I can offer.
So I’ll stay in my comfort zone.
So nobody can push me into doing something just because it’s time to do so.
The list went well. Thank you almighty. Only God knows what went on in the heart of that little anaesthetist, what kind of mutated butterflies rummaging through her partially digested lunch.
With a brave face I gassed that 19 kg girl while the dad watched on whilst pinning her arms and legs at the same time. I hope he couldn’t see my slightly sympathetic induced anaemic face as I hurried him to kiss the girl goodnight. I really wanted him out of the room as soon as possible.
On a lighter note, I am turning excited rolling into euphoric about going to Royal Albert Hall this Friday to watch the famous diva Siti Nurhaliza up close and personal.
I have to say I’ve been drawn to her voice like a moth to a 100W lightbulb. It’s almost like eating lychee with icecream, naturally sweet, juicy and the way she’s come out from the cocoon is just phenomenal. Captured Malaysia with her personality and ability. Singing her heart out to the moon and the stars while sticking to her roots till the end.
I have nothing against the lady, she has the look, the smile, also these days the style and please, the whole ‘nipple’ ‘dimple’ thing, everybody learns one step at a time yah. She has years ahead to perfect her English and I so hope she does for her own good. But that shouldn’t make me think any less of her. Am not fanatic about it but I’d hate to see such a harmless being gets jeered for some stupid language.
On that note mari kita alih bahasa. Tulis English dari pagi sampai
petang. Bicara English pagi sampai malam.
Cakap pasal Siti, semasa saya menulis dalam bilik bedah tadi pagi, seperti biasa saya terkena tulis haribulan. Saya tulislah,
30th March 2005.
Oh dear. Mak saya lahir pada hari ini 40 tahun lebih dahulu. Satu pukulan gong terkena dikepala. Kongggg!!!!!!! Dr. McN pandang saya dengan muka kaget.
Are you ok Naj?
It’s my mum’s
birthday today.
Oh just go on the internet and send her a card. You can even send a virtual bouquet. I love the thing.
Oh Your poor mum I thought. But I am worse.
Walaupun mak saya takkan tahu wujudnya blog ini, tapi saya mahu ambil ruang ini untuk ucapkan selamat hari jadi untuk Siti Zawiah bt Abd Rahman aka Cik T.
Saya tahu Mak akan mungkin cakap ‘Eh ye ke hari ni’.
Tapi Mak, sampai hari ini saya masih belum jumpa seorang perempuan
setabah awak.
Tak mungkin ada perempuan mau lakukan itu semua demi cinta pada seorang lelaki.
Tak mungkin ada ibu yang mahu sanggup jagai dia seorang anak yang entah kenal entah tidak yang awak itu ibunya.
Tapi awak tak pernah bezakan sayang antara kami dan dia.
Apa yang awak lalui tak mungkin ada seorang wanita dan ibu mau laluinya walaupun dibayar beribu ribu pounds.
Kalau million tak tahulah sebab orang sekarang semua pelik.
Tapi Mak, semoga cintamu akan berbalas disyurga nanti.
Kami sayang Mak ....( walaupun mak kata tak cool to celebrate
SELAMAT HARI JADI ke- 47.p/s: err..why don't you blog? we could learn a thing or two. :P