Sunday, March 27, 2005
At The Landing
Yes, I know 

Didn’t feel like going out last night but manage to drag myself into some descent outfit and lugged myself into the car. The Megane has been bit poorly. The weather was foggy.
Megane wouldn’t start and also has fast becoming a proud canvas for parking tickets.
They were all over the windscreen.
Left Megane unloved and uncared for, almost a week by the double line and now it’s going Uwokkwokwokwokwok…and eventually died..
again uwok…wok…wok..and surrendered and died.
And again just uwok…wok. Dead.
Got the taxi to Rachael’s house in the end. Well pissed. Was late again.
When we got to The Landing, Zach’s parents and his sister Saffron was already there. Why is it that I never noticed this place before? It was just next to the big roundabout to the Docks and I drive past it almost every week. Now that I know, shall go there often, was my thought initially until we got the menu. Mamagrandpapa arms and legs magnitude of price. Shall think again.
Zach who sat next to me passed on a tongue twister to his right and me being the last one ended up getting “A witch chuck the chick chuckchuckchuck”. Everybody broke into laughter. It was almost soothing to be surrounded by a mixture of voices around me. Thereis deep husky, there's unpolished and clumsy and there's shrieking and high pitched. More natural and inviting. Almost like a family reunion.
I was having green tea after the dessert and Zach’s mum tickled our almost delirious minds from playing Chinese whisperer with a question.
In future what would you like to be? The question went round the table.
Rachael wanted to be Marilyn Monroe, Dominique the dad changed his mind from a poisonous plant to being God when Nancy said she wanted to be an angel, just so he can get her to fetch the tea for him.
Saffron wanted to be Queen of the world and Rick, wanted to be a Superhero. Zach suggested a name Captain Philipines for Rick since he is 100% Philipino, and we all laughed at the thought of having a Captain Philipines in Grimsby.
Zach on the other hand wanted to be Jack the Ripper which upset his mum for a while. I could tell that this family is not a typical Grimsby family. In fact, this is such a not- to- be place that they are migrating to Canada in 3 weeks time. The crumbling morality in this place is top of the list, and I agree.
Only last week I put an epidural in a 15 year old pregnant girl. The week after a 12 year old came in with a broken leg needing resuscitation. When we cut open her clothes, she was wearing a matching black silk bra and a thong! She was wearing a full make up, boob tube and a skirt that only came down to just underneath her bum cheeks.
Just tell me already why is it that anybody with a surname Smith or Brown gets a first class treatment at the receptions of any hotels or resorts in Malaysia?
When it got to me, I was caught between wanting to be my cocky self and wanting to be appropriate for the kids especially with their parents around. I was thinking something cartoon possibly a super-woman-hero, with lots of moral values. Queen of Sheba sprung to mind, but I don’t know much about the woman so I settled for a character more fictional –the cat woman.
My mind was buzzing with some clever reasons. At last they thought I was more like a madwoman than a cat woman when I said I wanted to be Catwoman because the doctor’s mess had too many rats.
I kid you not, the first time I ever sat in the mess, happily reading the newspaper while Gwen Stefani doing her dystonic dance routine on MTV , a big fat ghastly looking rat whizzed across the coffee table and bulldozed over my crossed legs!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!I don't know if I can repeat the short energetic squid-like dance resulted from that..
So that’s why lah I no more sit in the mess.

Didn’t feel like going out last night but manage to drag myself into some descent outfit and lugged myself into the car. The Megane has been bit poorly. The weather was foggy.
Megane wouldn’t start and also has fast becoming a proud canvas for parking tickets.
They were all over the windscreen.
Left Megane unloved and uncared for, almost a week by the double line and now it’s going Uwokkwokwokwokwok…and eventually died..
again uwok…wok…wok..and surrendered and died.
And again just uwok…wok. Dead.
Got the taxi to Rachael’s house in the end. Well pissed. Was late again.
When we got to The Landing, Zach’s parents and his sister Saffron was already there. Why is it that I never noticed this place before? It was just next to the big roundabout to the Docks and I drive past it almost every week. Now that I know, shall go there often, was my thought initially until we got the menu. Mamagrandpapa arms and legs magnitude of price. Shall think again.
Zach who sat next to me passed on a tongue twister to his right and me being the last one ended up getting “A witch chuck the chick chuckchuckchuck”. Everybody broke into laughter. It was almost soothing to be surrounded by a mixture of voices around me. Thereis deep husky, there's unpolished and clumsy and there's shrieking and high pitched. More natural and inviting. Almost like a family reunion.
I was having green tea after the dessert and Zach’s mum tickled our almost delirious minds from playing Chinese whisperer with a question.
In future what would you like to be? The question went round the table.
Rachael wanted to be Marilyn Monroe, Dominique the dad changed his mind from a poisonous plant to being God when Nancy said she wanted to be an angel, just so he can get her to fetch the tea for him.
Saffron wanted to be Queen of the world and Rick, wanted to be a Superhero. Zach suggested a name Captain Philipines for Rick since he is 100% Philipino, and we all laughed at the thought of having a Captain Philipines in Grimsby.
Zach on the other hand wanted to be Jack the Ripper which upset his mum for a while. I could tell that this family is not a typical Grimsby family. In fact, this is such a not- to- be place that they are migrating to Canada in 3 weeks time. The crumbling morality in this place is top of the list, and I agree.
Only last week I put an epidural in a 15 year old pregnant girl. The week after a 12 year old came in with a broken leg needing resuscitation. When we cut open her clothes, she was wearing a matching black silk bra and a thong! She was wearing a full make up, boob tube and a skirt that only came down to just underneath her bum cheeks.
Just tell me already why is it that anybody with a surname Smith or Brown gets a first class treatment at the receptions of any hotels or resorts in Malaysia?
When it got to me, I was caught between wanting to be my cocky self and wanting to be appropriate for the kids especially with their parents around. I was thinking something cartoon possibly a super-woman-hero, with lots of moral values. Queen of Sheba sprung to mind, but I don’t know much about the woman so I settled for a character more fictional –the cat woman.
My mind was buzzing with some clever reasons. At last they thought I was more like a madwoman than a cat woman when I said I wanted to be Catwoman because the doctor’s mess had too many rats.
I kid you not, the first time I ever sat in the mess, happily reading the newspaper while Gwen Stefani doing her dystonic dance routine on MTV , a big fat ghastly looking rat whizzed across the coffee table and bulldozed over my crossed legs!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!I don't know if I can repeat the short energetic squid-like dance resulted from that..
So that’s why lah I no more sit in the mess.