Sunday, February 27, 2005
Wikkitt, wikkit Boy
Good morning..brrrrrr 

My old man has arrived home safely from The Holy land. Mekah. Energetic and glowing with health (according to Cik T). Alhamdulillah. My initial conversation was with the wicked wizard of the East, Your Oliness.
Oli, my ten year old bro picked up the phone.
Hello, it’s me. Oli eh tu? It could only be him with that squeaky voice.
Oli, upon hearing my voice, cleared his throat and put on his best British made-up accent.
Oh yeshhhh yeshhhh this is Mr. Oli, mau jual apa? (yes this is Oli, what are you selling?)
So Ba’ beli gapo for you? (What did Dad get you?)
Oli started counting,
Air zam zam
Buah kurma
Buah raisins
Buah an-nun
Never heard of buah an-nun (an-nun fruit) before.
Buah gapo? An-nun? Gapo namo ghima is that? Buah tin eh?(What in the name of a tiger is that?)
Oli, frustrated,
Bukan laa..I know la buah tin.. buah ni butir dio mace apple a bit , tok tahu lah (No, the pip is a bit like the apple’s, I don’t know)
I was even more puzzled.
I heard him sniggering.
Oli: Ishhh orang UK konon, buah unknown pun tak tahu. Unknown laaa (and you call yourself from the UK)
Unknown is unknown, I get you next time smarty pants.
Pass me those chillies.

My old man has arrived home safely from The Holy land. Mekah. Energetic and glowing with health (according to Cik T). Alhamdulillah. My initial conversation was with the wicked wizard of the East, Your Oliness.
Oli, my ten year old bro picked up the phone.
Hello, it’s me. Oli eh tu? It could only be him with that squeaky voice.
Oli, upon hearing my voice, cleared his throat and put on his best British made-up accent.
Oh yeshhhh yeshhhh this is Mr. Oli, mau jual apa? (yes this is Oli, what are you selling?)
So Ba’ beli gapo for you? (What did Dad get you?)
Oli started counting,
Air zam zam
Buah kurma
Buah raisins
Buah an-nun
Never heard of buah an-nun (an-nun fruit) before.
Buah gapo? An-nun? Gapo namo ghima is that? Buah tin eh?(What in the name of a tiger is that?)
Oli, frustrated,
Bukan laa..I know la buah tin.. buah ni butir dio mace apple a bit , tok tahu lah (No, the pip is a bit like the apple’s, I don’t know)
I was even more puzzled.
I heard him sniggering.
Oli: Ishhh orang UK konon, buah unknown pun tak tahu. Unknown laaa (and you call yourself from the UK)
Unknown is unknown, I get you next time smarty pants.
Pass me those chillies.