Monday, February 28, 2005
Up Hers.
Am not sleeping in there tonight. 

Time flies especially when your mind is all tangled with thoughts. You could be sitting on a sofa motionless like an idle light bulb that’s just been switched on,
generating heat as it entertains a viscious circle of morbid thoughts which tumble away consuming all the kilojoules in your cranium,
in hope of thermotransformation into a bright light at the end of the tunnel, while the clock go tic toc tic toc.
I watched the snow hitting my window pane for a good 30 minutes and turned up 5 minutes late for work tonight. Didn’t feel like working. The chief nurse was Helen. They told me Kevin’s left the premise without handing over. I don’t blame him, the only patient in the unit is STILL that same patient, and poor doctor has a girlfriend to go back to and an hour drive to survive. Those other beds had been left untouched.
Helen is what you call big and bubbly. She is probably about 24 st and is one of the few people I know very comfortable with their bodies. The only conditions she suffers from are probably aneroxia reversa ( read: looking in the mirror and still thinks you are a size 8) and bulimia amnesia (read: forgetting to throw up after a good feast). She is a genious when it comes to defending matters pertaining to weight.
She knows her stuff, won’t take crap from any of the surgeons or the medics (we know nobody does when it comes to this one) and will put things right straight away when it comes to these people doing jumping off the plane without a parachute type thing in the unit.
I suppose with her experience, she would know more things than me. I ‘Google’ her and pick her brain all the time and she doesn’t mind that at all. The other day we were discussing about my exams and did a few questions with her. She would actually get up( this, she doesn’t do without bribing normally) and walk to the drug cupboard to get the Sodium Nitroprusside and get the drug information to help me with the questions I got wrong.
Things like .. “is kept in anhydrous form” true or false?
I mean if you’ve never used the damn thing and reading pharmacology book is something you’d do when you’ve run out of things to do, you wouldn’t know would you. This is what frustrates me about exams. It’s all about how well you study and memorise the fat books, but not so much about what you do in real life.
Talking about things that don’t make sense, earlier in the day, apparently a 51 year old woman was taken to theatre for extrication of a vibrator which had mysteriously impacted itself up the arse hole of this adventurous woman. I was like flippin’ eck, how did it get there? Did she leave it on the bed and accidently sat on it?
OOOOkhhhhh!!! Okkhhhhhh!!! Hohohohohoh …paiiiinnn.
The nurses preyed for the notes to find out what happened but according to our private investigator who was later caught snooping, it is not known how and what type and make of vibrator it was. The woman however, is now safely recovering from the vibratorectomy and the whole shock from the devastating ordeal.
Dr. Naj Khaiessa Ahmad reporting live for BluEScrubs. Selamat malam.

Time flies especially when your mind is all tangled with thoughts. You could be sitting on a sofa motionless like an idle light bulb that’s just been switched on,
generating heat as it entertains a viscious circle of morbid thoughts which tumble away consuming all the kilojoules in your cranium,
in hope of thermotransformation into a bright light at the end of the tunnel, while the clock go tic toc tic toc.
I watched the snow hitting my window pane for a good 30 minutes and turned up 5 minutes late for work tonight. Didn’t feel like working. The chief nurse was Helen. They told me Kevin’s left the premise without handing over. I don’t blame him, the only patient in the unit is STILL that same patient, and poor doctor has a girlfriend to go back to and an hour drive to survive. Those other beds had been left untouched.
Helen is what you call big and bubbly. She is probably about 24 st and is one of the few people I know very comfortable with their bodies. The only conditions she suffers from are probably aneroxia reversa ( read: looking in the mirror and still thinks you are a size 8) and bulimia amnesia (read: forgetting to throw up after a good feast). She is a genious when it comes to defending matters pertaining to weight.
She knows her stuff, won’t take crap from any of the surgeons or the medics (we know nobody does when it comes to this one) and will put things right straight away when it comes to these people doing jumping off the plane without a parachute type thing in the unit.
I suppose with her experience, she would know more things than me. I ‘Google’ her and pick her brain all the time and she doesn’t mind that at all. The other day we were discussing about my exams and did a few questions with her. She would actually get up( this, she doesn’t do without bribing normally) and walk to the drug cupboard to get the Sodium Nitroprusside and get the drug information to help me with the questions I got wrong.
Things like .. “is kept in anhydrous form” true or false?
I mean if you’ve never used the damn thing and reading pharmacology book is something you’d do when you’ve run out of things to do, you wouldn’t know would you. This is what frustrates me about exams. It’s all about how well you study and memorise the fat books, but not so much about what you do in real life.
Talking about things that don’t make sense, earlier in the day, apparently a 51 year old woman was taken to theatre for extrication of a vibrator which had mysteriously impacted itself up the arse hole of this adventurous woman. I was like flippin’ eck, how did it get there? Did she leave it on the bed and accidently sat on it?
OOOOkhhhhh!!! Okkhhhhhh!!! Hohohohohoh …paiiiinnn.
The nurses preyed for the notes to find out what happened but according to our private investigator who was later caught snooping, it is not known how and what type and make of vibrator it was. The woman however, is now safely recovering from the vibratorectomy and the whole shock from the devastating ordeal.
Dr. Naj Khaiessa Ahmad reporting live for BluEScrubs. Selamat malam.