Sunday, February 20, 2005
let it sno...let it snow...let it snoowww..........

Today, something told me, that I have this uncontrollable need to please people. If it is a circle in a Venn diagram, it’d cross the other circle of Venn called inability to say no, which will cross another called sorry spaghetti. All of the above is me.
I might have a burning desire to for once do what I want and what I think is right, but when people start giving me the reasons for why A is better than B, and I can’t do C because of D, that’s it before I know it, I’ll be the desired protégé, all my reasons melted away and silt at the bottom of the do it right riverbed.
Today, I didn’t give a monkey about all the couldn’t dos and don’t dos, I just did it. Result? Didn’t feel one bit happy or liberated or phhhwwwoooarrrrh. They say it’s not in the genes, I agree. Neither have I got the bones.
Is my happiness subject to an approval by certain people? If that’s true, then I wouldn’t stand a chance trying to plot a matrimony the cowboy way be it in Vegas or Siam.
I suppose you have to really be a hardcore bitch to say things that’d hurt people, just to prove a point. On the other hand, would not letting the person know how you really feel is exactly being an angel?
I do think a lot when it’s blimming cold out there and all you want to do is go back to bed.
p/s: MissYY, no I didn’t shag the tree, it’s snowing. A bit too cold.

Today, something told me, that I have this uncontrollable need to please people. If it is a circle in a Venn diagram, it’d cross the other circle of Venn called inability to say no, which will cross another called sorry spaghetti. All of the above is me.
I might have a burning desire to for once do what I want and what I think is right, but when people start giving me the reasons for why A is better than B, and I can’t do C because of D, that’s it before I know it, I’ll be the desired protégé, all my reasons melted away and silt at the bottom of the do it right riverbed.
Today, I didn’t give a monkey about all the couldn’t dos and don’t dos, I just did it. Result? Didn’t feel one bit happy or liberated or phhhwwwoooarrrrh. They say it’s not in the genes, I agree. Neither have I got the bones.
Is my happiness subject to an approval by certain people? If that’s true, then I wouldn’t stand a chance trying to plot a matrimony the cowboy way be it in Vegas or Siam.
I suppose you have to really be a hardcore bitch to say things that’d hurt people, just to prove a point. On the other hand, would not letting the person know how you really feel is exactly being an angel?
I do think a lot when it’s blimming cold out there and all you want to do is go back to bed.
p/s: MissYY, no I didn’t shag the tree, it’s snowing. A bit too cold.