Monday, February 07, 2005

Don't Read It

This sudden urge to blog my brain out came rushing like an electric current through a very minimal resistance, a split second ago. I could murder somebody.

The intensity is like a red, hot, freshly vomitted larvae from the Karakatoa. Thick, boiling and deadly. I can feel it even in my tiniest daintiest veins. Ever felt like you can really hurt somebody?

My attempt at finishing the exam questions online crumbled at the bottom of the feel good ladder. Now slumped like an abandoned, used parachute. It was hijacked and I am not happy at all.

When you plan the evening to be a quiet one, with you and the MCQ questions flirting with yeses and nos, with a hot mug of tea and honey, you don’t expect an e-tsunami in a form of ‘verbal’ abuse to pour out of the yahoo messenger do you?

Some evil, manipulative, simpleton bridging into moronic behaviour of some individuals got me all worked up. God knows what drives these sort of people to probe and pry into people’s lives stirring little eddies of hatred, jealousy, and all the evilesque propaganda which is not only such a waste of time to the person on the receiving end but also for their own godforsaken souls. Breath now.

Hear me. In this world, we all vibrate in certain frequencies. If you feel shit one day, you would be vibrating at say, 20 Hz, low and depressed. When you are happy, you vibrate at a higher frequency. We all have an inert natural frequency, which is at a higher value, say 50 Hz.

We all are naturally happy people. When you cause yourself to vibrate and match this high natural frequency, you will vibrate at your maximum, you will get a high, elated, you enter orgasm. Breath. I could scream now, can I scream? I'll cry then.

However, it’s what you deduce from events and recurring things that cause bad emotions and illbeing. When you walk in a Tesco, you transmit these bad frequencies to people around you. Sooner or later, they would catch up with this and match to their own vibrations, they will feel as low. Do I say the F word now? No maybe not, it's not suitable. Breath. Say some more good stuff.

Even when you talk on yahoo messenger, you can tell if the person you are talking to is weighing you down or lifting your spirit up. How they are vibrating at the other end. If it is somebody you know for a while and you put trust in them, you vibrate with them on certain frequencies, it doesn’t help does it, having the person vibrating at the other end at some godforsaken rock-bottom frequency constantly, yakyakyakyak...draining every single kilojoule you've got left after a hard day at work? Expecting you to vibrate at that level? Tak penat ke?Throws hands up in the air.

If that's the only thing they do, it's fine with me, but to say this, and that, ( thought really hard before replacing the words with mere this and that) ,

to blackmail, to pepper the wound of the past with threats, to accuse and assume, to interrogate, to make me do this and that only because I was so willing to do it before, to pretend you know me better than I know myself, to curse, to probably lie as well?

What is it really that I have ever done to you?

Are you dim??

My dad never even said Oi, never lift a finger, never ever, let alone the above. What makes you think you have the rights? If you have issues with your self esteem, see a shrink. We all have our own demons to fight with, and I am no exception. But yours probably feeds on elephants and dinasours. I am sick and tired of hobbling along. I am trying so hard not to use the word. That word. That very word. Breath.

No you can’t, because, then it’ll be so wrong and you’d be that low, as low as whoever you are so pissed off with. Vibrate higher now, higher. You're winning, you're winning.

How I wish you and you marry each other because you so deserve each other and never ever bicker and monger people about. Don’t you have better things to do? Potentially 6 F word there.

If you feel low, make yourself high. Go make yourself look pretty, why take it out on people who want to stay happy? Why bring them down with you? If you want to have men drooling at your feet, make it happen for you, you don’t have to Bawang Merah somebody else for being herself.

If you want a girl go woo her, why do you have to Rapunzel her? If you want to be the hottest player in town, go do it, there’s always castration failing all remedies for gonorrhoea. What’s stopping you?

I am not a writer so I am no good at getting messages across on paper. You could ask me how much oxygen there is in a dl of blood but that’s about it. I am pretty useless most times when it comes to this hullabaloo. Never interest me.

If I could come out stronger, fiercer and canny, I would. But I am just not that good but what I really want to say is I am above angry and oh so help me God.

I wish you win the lottery soon and never ever ever ever bother me again. Eat your own words and pooh them out and eat them again. You know rabbits? They do this.

God bless these people, and God bless the children coming out from their vaginas.

Oh also please God make their penises blister each time they wank and make them walk like an ostrich with haemorrhoids so I know next time.

Thank you God for the 21% oxygen. Breath out. Sod all with MCQs I'm off to bed.

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