Monday, January 03, 2005
Note To Self #1

I guess everybody has their own list of 'criteria for husband/wife material'. It might be in a form that's clearly written on the wall, in a little pink book or these days, on a blog.
I too have one, but under no circumstances that this is going to be revealed, to anybody, by anybody. It's for me to know and me alone.
The manifestation of the inclination towards somebody based on the list of criteria is however, a bit like trying to hide an elephant, so it's not as classified as one might think.
Precipitated from the recent deadly disaster which had scraped and wringed the lives off the innocent coastal areas, I have added two more criteria to my list.
11. Must know how to swim AND a bonus if has LIFESAVER cert.
I believe this is justifiable. Why? Because the globe is made up of land and vast amount of water. Ponds, lakes, dams, rivers and seas. If one found oneself stranded in a jungle, provided one's legs had not been bitten by a hungry spotty or striped carnivorous animal, one has a very high chance of being found, and be safe.
However , if one found oneself plonked into any gutters full of water and ability to swim was never a skill one's proud of, (unless one has an extraordinary ability to miraculously swim like a duckling upon contact with water), one will not survive very long once the 5-6 liters capacity of carrying oxygen in one's lung is hijacked by a pretentiously safe H20.
12. Must know how to do basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
This is not rocket science, not something created to scare people. It's a simple straight forward skill anybody can learn, you simply can't fail learning it because it makes sense and extremely ABC type thing, literally.
Let's say, a dad found his 3 year old daughter drowned in a bathtub, or his nice pool in a posh Damansara Perdana aparment. I doubt that any ambulance can get there within 3 minutes, and within that 3 minutes whether or not you do something to the 3 year old makes a huge difference.
Possibly the difference between life and death, between fully recovered, talking, playing, singing and kicking balls in the garden again and disabled, brain injured, can't feed self, can't clothe self can't exist independently, or even worst still, dead.
As I am typing this, BBC news 24 is showing clusters of people in scattered areas of shelter in Banda Aceh. A group of people were found to have been living on coconuts, any coconuts. Life had been reduced to absolute basic. Feeding on coconut juice and coconut flesh for 6 days before they were found.
A mum was holding a 2 year old, drowsy, dehydrated, suffering from typhoid and cholera.Clean water was a major problem. They now only had each other. Everyone else had died.
A man in Sri Lanka was doing well, continuing his life with whatever remaining. He had lost everybody in his family to the Tsunami. However when he saw the Aid arrived by the helicopter to his village he broke down and wept inconsolably.
Everywhere, I saw suffering.
Allah, please ease the suffering of these people and I pray hard that the help we've all contributed reach them quickly. Ameen.