Friday, January 14, 2005
Damage Done To My Bank Balance

The picture caught my eyes the minute I stepped into the gallery. It was love at first sight. I was mesmerized.
The lines were smudged, skillfully, nonchalantly whisked to carve a perfect silhouette of a perfectly formed body. The pivotal point of the sketch varied as I bled my gaze through the rich canvas. Top to bottom at a very naked, very bareback painting.
The head was turned to the right, exposing the nape and base of the neck. Whilst stripped to the microscopic bareness, the supple skin, inhibited the luxurious spinous process protuberances nestling underneath.
Although drawn from the back, I could see the evidence of an exaggerated arch at the lumbar, most definitely would have defined an offering of the perfectly formed succulent mammary glands. Festooned with what would have been the most perfectly formed nipples.
The hair, blown away, covering the corner of the eye, forcing the gaze to be made modest, demurred, but very aware that the whole curvature of her body, being under intense exposure were also under arduous scrutiny.
What excited me was the scoliotic bend to the right, balancing the two cheeks of the gluteus at the base with the two blades of the raunchy, arrogant shoulders at the top. What I noticed present was the two dimples just above the cheeks, which if joined, forming the most uniquely articulated Tuffier's line ever imagined.
I could just feel the orgasmic freedom of tracing a little triangle, precisely and harmoniously formed, when dropping the end of the line to the forgiving fold of her butt crack. I had to buy it!!!!
That's one of the things I am guilty of buying today. I don't do boxing day shopping although I quite like the idea of having a lot of nice things in life at a cheaper price. People tend to forget about the difference between wanting and needing when the word SALES infiltrate the display windows. Today I just couldn't escape.
I am going to blame Rachael. She's a Filipino nurse, who is very passionate, pretty, prim and proper but normal to say the least. A single mother who loves handbags, shoes, make ups, perfumes and trendy clothes. I thought she was joking when she said she's turning 35 this year until I saw Rick, her son who is 12 this year. So she can't be 21 ,can she?
Had the Malay custom of prefixing the name with something to show respect like Kak, Makcik or Aunty been exercised fully at the first meeting with Rick, I would have had to take five before I could introduce myself.
1) Hi Rick I am Makcik Naj (But my brother Oli is only 10)
2) Hi Rick I am Kak Naj your mum's friend from work. ( No, I sound like I am in denial)
I didn't have a problem really, because even Rachael had trouble trying to convince him to call her mum. My mind does this from time to time. Possibly an attempt to mentally prepare self for imminent embarassing scenarios. Something I have a habit of finding myself in.
After arguing about how absurdly disproportionate my feet are to my body size, we settled at Starbucks for lunch.
I am not sure how, but the conversation became contaminated by the much loved subject. 'MEN'. Being a single mum, Rachael had a lot to say when it comes to this volatile subspecies of homosapiens. She had been mulling over the idea of getting married again ,for a long time. In between she's seen men head over heals for her, cry for her, and also cheated on her.
She let out a sigh, 'Really Naj, you're very young, do whatever you want now, go out, meet people, go places and for Godsake whatever you do, don't have a Ricky'.
I chuckled at this, with a washed out feeling of disagreement. I want a Ricky!!! Damn you woman.
This woman is exotic. Her skin is still supple, almost flawless. The brows were symmetrically trimmed to perfection, her teeth glistened and her hair, not a strand out of place. I don't mind looking like that at that age.
I had noticed this even before today's day out. Those nights working in ICU had given us the right sort of setting to get acquainted. We gel and clicked instantly.
I quickly cashed in this idea of her age defying skin, and started prying into her beauty regime before the conversation reverted back to 'MEN' and the staring eyes of the people at the Starbucks became something which didn't just happen in my mind.
The next thing I know, I :
1) bought a full facial care by Clinique
2) am a new owner of pair of heels by Bertie
3) gawked at a lingerie I have an evidence of having bought it
4) said yes to tomorrow's 3 o'clock hair appointment at Binn's hair salon
None of which would have happened , had I been out on my own. Rachael stood there looking very pleased and proud of her protege, while I paid for the two books by Yann Martel and another by Sophie Kinsella. (The very reason why I went out today), apart from to change the 'screw' light bulb I bought by mistake to a 'bayonet' one. I mean could I be more dim?
The 'bareback' painting though, was the reason why I am still smiling.