Wednesday, November 17, 2004
So much for a short cut.
One would think that if one had taken a short cut to bypass a tail back from a choc-a-bloc M180 that one would arrive at Grimsby where one lives, without much of a sojourn and faffing about with Britain A to Z.
Dear dear me it wasn't a good day for me. I'm not even going to start telling you how dark A57 and A46 was, and how amidst all that darkness I came to a little bridge which forced me to get out of the car to get 45p out of my jeans front pocket.
Have youu ever tried fishing coins out while sitting in the driving seat? I ended up digging into the groinal fold and the coins got further and further away and you turned to look at what looked like Mr Smith in the booth only to find him rather pleased to see the mini acrobat. Heeeshhh..
This is my 3rd day of commuting between grim Grimsby (really is Grim when you have to leave at 6:30 am, when it's still really dark) and Leeds general infirmary. Got out of Karberry lecture hall and it's all pitched black again at 5 pm. I feel a whiff of depression coming. Must arrange a bit of annual leave for a bit of sun.
The second lecture was statistics and by 10:30 I felt like slitting my throat and cause a domino effect of slitting throat massacre and watch crimson fluid flow from the top of the Kaberry down to Prof Pollard's feet.
Did I mention he was late? He was very. His way of apologizing was to every now and then throwing remarks like 'well it's all about probability isn't it, like the probability of the train from Manchester being cancelled and my probability of arriving late, and thus probability of you going home late and being stuck in the traffic and finding out at M180 that there was a trailler toppled blocking all traffics...' well he didn't say the latter part but I could almost imagine him saying that..just.
He also said this but I have no idea what it means 'there are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics'-Disraeli. Now I am never good with proverbs or euphemisms let alone clever quotations but does that make sense at all?
Dear dear me it wasn't a good day for me. I'm not even going to start telling you how dark A57 and A46 was, and how amidst all that darkness I came to a little bridge which forced me to get out of the car to get 45p out of my jeans front pocket.
Have youu ever tried fishing coins out while sitting in the driving seat? I ended up digging into the groinal fold and the coins got further and further away and you turned to look at what looked like Mr Smith in the booth only to find him rather pleased to see the mini acrobat. Heeeshhh..
This is my 3rd day of commuting between grim Grimsby (really is Grim when you have to leave at 6:30 am, when it's still really dark) and Leeds general infirmary. Got out of Karberry lecture hall and it's all pitched black again at 5 pm. I feel a whiff of depression coming. Must arrange a bit of annual leave for a bit of sun.
The second lecture was statistics and by 10:30 I felt like slitting my throat and cause a domino effect of slitting throat massacre and watch crimson fluid flow from the top of the Kaberry down to Prof Pollard's feet.
Did I mention he was late? He was very. His way of apologizing was to every now and then throwing remarks like 'well it's all about probability isn't it, like the probability of the train from Manchester being cancelled and my probability of arriving late, and thus probability of you going home late and being stuck in the traffic and finding out at M180 that there was a trailler toppled blocking all traffics...' well he didn't say the latter part but I could almost imagine him saying that..just.
He also said this but I have no idea what it means 'there are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics'-Disraeli. Now I am never good with proverbs or euphemisms let alone clever quotations but does that make sense at all?