Saturday, November 27, 2004

Lazy Saturday

I love waking up in the morning , only to turn the pillow to the other side so that I can feel the coolnest of the other side and go back to snoozing. I also love waking up knowing that it's Saturday and knowing that I am not on-call, and I would smile a bit because I know it's not yet Sunday. I feel rich like that.

I love the soothing feeling the micro bubbles doing mini poppings tickling my sleepy skin as I ease myself into the hotbath. I love the fact that if the phone rings I could do a submarine and I wouldn't hear it anymore. I feel safe like that.

Provided Maggie is not in the flat. She likes answering the phone. She's good like that, but I hate the way she thumps on my door.

I am still recuperating from those two night shifts I did. I am pretty sure though, that my sleep is still in debt, because I woke up with a headache. A tension headache. I don't take paracetamol because I hate popping pills, and I hate needles and will not have them on me and I would not have a urinary catheter ever ever in my life.

I have slept half of today having not slept a wink last night. I succumbed to the escalating weight on my eyelids at 8:00 am this morning which slumbered me into one of the most most vivid and weird dreams I've ever had.

I was in a dark and humid building looking up at a staircase. The air felt stale, the walls had gathered some green patchy stuff. The windows were fuzzy and on some squares of the windows, the glasses where missing, so the wind entrained through. So the place was chilly.

I went up because I heard a noise. The kind of noise that makes you want to find out more, because it was not a threatening one. The kind that threatens is like such in The Grudge when that stupid sister of the dead guy received the phone call but there was nobody at the other end apart from that threatening noise. Scare the shit out of me that. Felt sorry for the dear friend who went to watch it with me.

Back to the noise then, I got there to find a guy (not a fiction, he does roam the surface of this earth somewhere) doing monkey business with a half naked woman. I felt like a balloon expanding inside my chest. I felt like that because I know the guy and I know the girl. I ran down and left the building.

I came to a dark street and I had a gun in my hand. Don't ask me how I got it but I was to shoot at a car on the opposite side of the road. A loud PA system was shrieking at me to shoot.

Shoot now!!!, shoot now!!

Barking mad!!I panicked.

Didn't like that. I never liked being rushed and also I don't like being told or having to tell something over and over again.

I fired.

Bang! bang! and more cars popped up from nowhere. Something like a replay.I kept shooting of course and I saw bags of gold dropping from the sky everytime my shots hit the target. Each gold pouch carried $500.

As I was doing that a bright light came from the sky and I heard a staccatoing noise like those made if you hit the rug quickly, many many times with a broom to get rid of the dust.

It became deafeningly louder and I couldn't open my eyes because it was very bright. I saw a man stretching out his arm towards me from a helicoptre. He had a friendly smile and one of those mouthpiece thingies for talking to the pilot and also a helmet. So I gave him my arm.

I woke up with a massive headache.

More headaches:

My shitty car wouldn't start this evening. I have nothing in the fridge and ASDA has now closed. My orchid plant is now semi dead because I have not watered it for about a month. It says the plant doesn't need frequent watering but I think I have overdone it. J will curse when he found out about this.The plant has been resuscitated but prognosis is not good.My raya kuih has finished due to continuous scoffing reflex so now officially for me raya has ended. My washing machine has packed up and now I get dizzy everytime I walk past the pile of laundry. My shower is broken so I can only take baths. I hate taking a bath on weekdays because I will get carried away and will be late for work which is not good. My £167 worth of anaesthetic books have been sitting on the shelf collecting dust since I bought them 2 weeks ago with intense motivation to study.

My mood: blearghhhh
My conclusion: PASSION should be closed down and flirty indon girls should just go back to indon.

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