Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Cokodok Chocablok

Deepa came to the flat afterwork. I wanted to go online. I wanted to join the hu ha. No I shouldn't. So, study we did.

Two pages of pharmacodynamics later I was talking about the farkwit. An hour later I realized I was talking about the farkwit.Deepa tried to look sympathetic but I know she thinks I am funny.Damn life is unfair.

When is this exam again? November ..yes? I don't think we are ready.I am not going to waste £570 to let some smart ass say 'sorry you failed'.It's a bloody expensive way to realize you have been denying that you are going to fail.

Then again 2 ways of looking at is, if you don't plan to take the exam, will you ever start being serious about studying? On the other hand, is it fair and kind to yourself to ram everything in 3 months?

When is it that studying stops and living your life starts? Have I been postponing the latter such that at times I feel rather aimless and uncertain?

She finished the last 6 remaining cokodok from last night. How I thought about making cokodok pisang still baffles me. She was suppose to have 3 and three for Sorub. Poor guy kempunan cokodok pisang. You'll get your share soon. Promise.


-2006 December 06-
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